Don't Do This Again

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As soon as I got the call I was on a plane to California. Elizabeth was hurt during a stunt and was in the hospital. The studio put me on a private jet so I could get to her as quickly as possible, which I appreciated, but what was she doing performing a stunt that could hurt her to the point of hospitalization? Everyone involved was going to get an earful and a half from me.

Once I got to the hospital, someone from the studio was there to meet me so they could bring me directly to her. I would've gone off on him, but the poor soul probably had no idea what had happened or why, so I saved it all for Liz.

"What did you do?" I cried, rushing to her bedside.

Her face was bruised and she had a bandage on her head as if she was hit with something. Her wrist was wrapped in a bandage and I was seething at the sight of her. Her eyes met mine and she smiled, grabbing at me with her uninjured hand.

I obliged, letting her grab hold of my hand as I panicked and she just seemed happy to see me.

"Hello to you too, lovebug."

"Don't 'lovebug' me - you look like hell!"

She pouted, tugging my hand so that I'd sit on the bed with her. With a sigh, I sat down next to her and she cuddled up to me.

"I just lost my balance doing a stunt and Joe misjudged his aim and it was just a whole mess."

"Joe? Who's Joe?"

"One of the stunt doubles."

"And where was yours?" I was very upset.

"I uh ... might've said I could do my own stunts for this scene."

"You ...?"

I took a deep breath. In and out. Who was the one on set who okayed this? They would not be okaying much of anything once I was done with them.

"Baby, for god's sake, why?"

I could feel her shrug against me and I found it hard to be mad at her. Everyone else was fair game though.

"The stunt double is there to protect you," I stated the obvious, but I wanted to get through to her that this could've been dangerous. "What if something worse happened to you?"

I gently pressed a kiss to the top of her head, trying my best not to hurt her. She could honestly be so reckless, as if she were invincible.

"You better not do this again or you'll give me a heart attack and you'll have to bury me and that'll be that." I rambled, my eyes filling with tears from worry.

"I've learned my lesson," she whined. "I'm sorry you came all this way for this."

I pulled away from her, a look of shock and confusion on my face.

"I would've flown across the world to get to you if you were hurt. I would've walked if I had to. But that's not the problem." I gently lifted her chin to look at me. "What if I lost you? All because of some movie."

She opened her mouth to protest but I shushed her with a soft peck.

"I know you're a superhero, but you can't do everything. And I love you so much. Seeing you like this," I sniffled. "This is horrible. I feel so bad."

"I'm sorry, bug. I guess I didn't realize how dangerous it really was. All I had to do was jump and block a sword. I thought I could do it." I could hear the pout in her voice.

"Next time, please, just let the stunt double do the scary stuff."

"I don't want to be known as an actress that can't do her own stunts," she grumbled, curling up against my side.

"And I don't want you to be known as an actress who died doing her own stunts." I snapped back, unable to hide the fact that this had scared the shit out of me.

"Okay, okay," she finally gave in. "I'm sorry."

I sighed against her hair, a stray tear falling down my cheek and onto her head. Taking care of her when she was sick was hard, but seeing her all bruised and in a hospital bed was horrible. I felt her grip my hand tighter and I squeezed back, bringing her hand up to my lips so I could kiss her knuckles.

"They said I'd be able to work again when the bruising faded and any swelling went down." She looked down at her wrist. "And I only sprained it when I fell. I'll be fine in a few days. Promise."

"You realize I'm gonna take care of you until you're better to make sure you're not straining yourself, right?"

"I'll be fine," she assured me. "Plus, you have work."

"I already called out for next week. And if I have to, I'll take two weeks."

Her eyes glistened as they met mine, and I kissed the part of her forehead that wasn't bandaged or bruised.

"You mean more to me than any job. Don't think I won't quit just to make sure you're okay."

She smiled up at me and pressed a soft kiss to my lips.

"I love you like crazy."

"I love you too, but please don't do this again."

AN - thank you all for all of the support! If anyone has any requests for a one shot, please shoot me a message! I'm open to all different scenarios so don't be afraid to suggest something (:

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