Mr. Peanuts

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She shook me awake, her eyes heavy with sleep.

"Baby, where's Mr. Peanuts?"

"Huh?" I asked softly, rubbing the sleep from my tired eyes.

"Where'd Mr. Peanuts go? We need to find him."

"Lovebug ... what are you talking about?"

She pouted cutely, her bottom lip jutting out in frustration at my confusion.

"Mr. Peanuts is missing and we need to find him."

"No we don't, sweetheart. Go back to sleep."

Tears welled up in her eyes and I instantly felt bad for just brushing her off.

"He's lost," she whimpered softly. "He doesn't know how to get home."

"Lizzie, my love, you're still asleep. I promise you there's no Mr. Peanuts, and he's not lost."

"He's just a little baby goat." She whimpered. "How will we find him?"

"Mr. Peanuts is a goat?"

She nodded at me sadly.

"And his bow tie is green."

"How about we try to find him in the morning." I looked over at the clock on the nightstand. "It's three in the morning, my love. We need sleep."

"But Mr. Peanuts -"

"Will be absolutely fine. He may be a baby goat but he's strong and resilient. He'll find his way back home."

"Do you promise?"

I nodded, laying her back down and tucking the blanket up under her chin. She looked up at me, her green eyes glistening in the moonlight from the window.

"Do you love him?"


I looked down at her, confused, and then nodded slowly.

"Y ... yes. Yes I do. Now sweet dreams, baby."

She snuggled up into the blankets and closed her eyes and within moments she was snoring softly, finding Mr. Peanuts in dreamland.

"Goodnight, lovebug. I can't wait to tease you about this tomorrow."

AN - I just want to take a quick moment to thank everyone who has been supporting me and my stories. I love you all and I hope to get back on track with everything soon. <3

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