Stressed Out

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AN: the requester wanted dark!dom!lizzie and this is as dark as I could go for her lol

"Honey, I've had a really, really bad day." Lizzie's voice was soft and deep as she entered the room, exhaustion and frustration colored her features.

I looked from the television to her, watching as she began to strip out of her clothes, tossing the garments haphazardly around as she came closer to the bed, leaving herself in only her bra and panties.

"I need you to make it better." She said as she leaned toward me, her hands pressing down into the bed on either side of me.

"How?" I responded quietly, looking from her deep, green eyes to her full breasts that peeked out from beneath her bra.

"Let me use you. Let me just ... feel you."

I blinked at her once, twice, before nodding; a simple motion that brought a smile to her face. She leaned forward and pressed her lips to my own, slipping her tongue into my mouth and claiming me as her own.

Breathlessly, I let her do as she pleased with me, knowing very well that anything she did would be pleasurable.

"Take off your clothes." She breathed softly and I obeyed, stripping out of my shirt and bra, but struggled with my shorts and panties. "Lemme help."

She impatiently tugged on my clothes, practically ripping the fabric from my body and throwing it somewhere behind her on the ground.

"Lizzie ..." I whimpered softly, turned on and nervous by the way she was acting. I had never seen her act like this before.

"Shh," she whispered, licking her lips as she stared down at my naked body. "You said I could have you tonight," She bit her lip and smiled, bringing her head down to just barely brush her lips against mine. "And I'm going to have you."

I moved to close the space between us but she pulled away, smiling mischievously as she climbed off the bed and headed to the dresser, digging around in the drawer we kept all of our toys.

"You're gonna look so pretty." She mused softly as she filled her arms with items.

When she turned back to the bed, my eyes grew wide at all the things she had retrieved. In her arms she had ropes, toys, lube, a gag, a blindfold, and who knows what else - all for me.

"My pretty girl." Her dark eyes met mine and I shivered. "Lay down."

I obeyed silently, laying my head down on the pillows and waiting for her next command. She dropped everything on the bed next to me and started sifting through the pile.

The first thing she grabbed was the ropes, wasting no time in tying my hands to the headboard tightly.

"Lizzie," I whined, struggling against the binds. "They're too tight."

"I don't want you moving."

"I won't." I squirmed and she shook her head.

"You already are." She slapped my right breast and I cried out, tugging on my restraints. "Look at you," she propped herself up on her knees, staring down at me. "Already disobeying me."

"I'm not." I said defiantly and she raised her eyebrow at me.

"Oh, no? Say my name."


She slapped my left breast even harder than she slapped the right.

"Lizzie!" I cried, not understanding what I did wrong.

"What is my name?" She said as she slapped my right breast again, the stinging pain bringing tears to my eyes.

"Liz ..." and then it came to me. "Mommy! Mommy!"

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