I Belong to You

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AN: part two. Sorry it's so late. TW for some toxic behavior.

"Say the safe words."

"Green means go, yellow means slow down, and red means stop."

"Good girl."

I let out the breath I didn't realize I was holding as Y/N circled me, looking over every inch of my body with dark, hungry eyes. I fidgeted slightly, shifting my weight from foot to foot. The silence in the room just made me more anxious and I resisted the urge to cover myself from her scrutinizing gaze.

"On your knees."

Without a word, I kneeled before her, knowing very well what was about to happen.

"Open your mouth."

I obeyed silently and she stepped in front of me, gripping the strap in her hand tightly. She tapped the tip against my tongue and I stuck it out further, eager to take her into my mouth.

"Look at you. Such a little slut."

I raised my eyes to meet hers and nodded slightly, leaning toward to take the tip in between my lips, sucking on it slowly.

She let it go and I took the whole length into my mouth, greedily sucking her off. She ran her fingers through my hair, still staring down at me, watching intently as I pleased her.

"You're such a good slut." I hummed softly as my head bobbed up and down on her length, knowing that I needed to get it nice and wet for when she fucked me.

She gripped my hair tightly and I moaned, releasing her as she pulled me off the cock.

"You're gonna take my whole cock, aren't you?"

I nodded.


"Yes ma'am." I replied hurriedly, eager for her to use me.

"Lay down."

There was nowhere to lay but on the floor, so I laid down on my back, jerking slightly as the coldness touched my heated skin.

She pushed my legs open with her foot and knelt down between them, the tip of the cock pressing up against my cunt. I grunted as she slapped it against my slit, just aching for her to be inside me.

My breathing was heavy as she loomed over me, pressing herself against my body as she finally slipped the cock inside me.

I resisted the urge to grab her arms as she slammed her hips into mine, fucking me rougher than she ever had before. I wrapped my legs around her, pulling her impossibly close.

"Oh, fuck, Y/N." I moaned softly, my brows furrowing as she fucked me hard and fast.

She took hold of my hands and pinned them down beside my head, taking any control I had left away from me.

I bit my lip and thrust my hips up towards hers, taking her as deeply as I could. I could swear that I almost felt her in my stomach, touching the deepest parts of me.

The base of the strap rubbed against my clit and my eyes rolled into the back of my head, my orgasm quickly approaching.

"I'm gonna -" I whimpered, the coil in my belly tightening as she brought me closer and closer to release.

Just as my legs began to shake and my pussy tightened around her cock, she pulled out, leaving me open and hungry.

"No." I whined, the empty feeling she left me driving me crazy.

She smiled down at me, letting go of my hands and pushing herself up and away from me.

I stayed still on the floor as she stared down at my glistening pussy, practically drooling at the sight of me completely vulnerable to her.

What Love Tastes Like (Elizabeth Olsen x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now