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AN - this is for @ray_ray27. Two requests for the price of one ;)

"Babe," she whined, cuddling up to my side. "I don't want you to go."

She pouted up at me and I had to steel myself so I would be strong enough to resist her.

"I have to go, bug. I don't want to go either, but I have to."

She let out a pathetic whine and pressed her face to my side, gripping onto my shirt tightly almost as if I'd slip away if she didn't hold on.

"You need to quit your job." She huffed. "You need to be a stay-at-home girlfriend."

I laughed, running my fingers through her tousled locks.

"And what am I supposed to do when you're away?"

"You come with me," she stated simply, sliding her hands up my shirt to lay on my stomach. "Stay-at-home is just the title. I don't want you to ever leave my side."

"Someone is clingy tonight." I chuckled, looking down at her pouty expression, her bottom lip jutting out cutely.

"I just hate when you're gone." She sulked, rubbing her face against my shirt.

"I hate being away from you, but I can't quit my job. I won't be able to pay my rent."

"You could move in with me." I raised an eyebrow at her. "You already do, pretty much. You'd just have to make it official."

"Are you asking me to move in with you?"

"Yes." Her voice was small and muffled, but I could hear her clearly enough. "I want you to move in with me."

"Well, to do that, I need to go home."

She let out a high pitched whine and I couldn't help but laugh. No matter how she twisted or turned the situation, I had to leave.

"You'll be home in two weeks and I'll be there waiting for you."

"Two weeks is too long," she whimpered, her fingers drawing small circles all along my belly.

"I'm sorry, baby. I wish I could stay longer, but I can't." I untangled my fingers from her hair and brought my hand down to her cheek, lifting her head to look at me. "So why don't we spend the rest of my time here together."

Excitedly, she jumped on top of me, her mood instantly changed, and hungrily kissed me. I smiled into the kiss, returning her eager kisses happily. I grabbed at her ass, pulling her hips flush against my middle, and she let out a little moan at the contact.

"Don't tease me," she breathed against my lips. "We don't have much time."

"We have two whole days, Lizzie."

"Not enough time," she spoke as she lifted her shirt over her head, letting her full, beautiful breasts free.

I bit my lip and reached up to touch them, but she stopped me.

"No. Use your mouth."

I felt my center ache as she commanded me and I reached up, capturing a nipple in my mouth. She grabbed a fistful of my hair and pulled, guiding me to where she needed me most.

I swirled my tongue around her hardened nipple, biting down on it gently and smiling when she moaned, pulling at my hair once again. I sucked on her roughly, knowing that she wasn't one for too much softness when it came to me fucking her.

She cried out and I unlatched myself from her breast, moving to the other one while she was distracted by the cold air hitting her abused nipple.

"Yes, Y/N, right, ahh, right there. Bite."

I obeyed, biting down on her sensitive flesh and she let out a scream; I was so sure she had cum right there from just that. Her hips thrust against me, humping my stomach, grinding into me hard.

While my mouth was busy with her nipples, my hands ventured downward to reach beneath the waistband of her panties. Blindly, I made my way down, my fingers clumsily brushing against her soaked folds. She mewled, her hips rolling against my fingers. She was already far beyond ready for me, her wetness soaking my hand before I even had a chance to enter her. I concentrated on her clit, teasingly rubbing circles around it and flicking at it occasionally.

"Touch me," she groaned, tugging my hair and forcing me to face her, releasing her nipple. "Fuck me."

I flipped us over, pressing her into the bed as I dipped my fingers into her slick wetness. She let out a breathy moan and I could feel her walls fluttering around my digits. Already.

"You're always so ready for me," I whispered into her ear, curling my fingers upward.

Her legs shook as she dug her nails into my shoulders, her whole body beginning to tremble from the pleasure building up within her.

"Harder," she whimpered, her brow furrowed and damp with sweat.

I pressed my lips to her own, giving her what she desired, and she came, hard, her entire body shaking with the force of her orgasm.

I breathed her scent in deeply as she lay beneath me, limp from the pleasure that rippled through her entire being.

"You okay?" I kissed her neck and she sighed. I could feel her nod, but she didn't speak. "Lizzie?"

"Hm?" She finally used her voice, weak and quiet.

"You okay?"

"Better than okay," she croaked softly. "I'm amazing."

"Good." I gave her a quick peck before sliding my fingers out of her heat.

She moaned softly and I brought my fingers up to my lips, sucking them clean. I wouldn't let a drop of her go to waste.

"You taste so good," I moaned, lifting my hand to her lips and letting her suck her own juices off my fingers.

"I do," she whispered, licking her lips. "But, you taste way better."

"Don't get any ideas. I'm not done with you yet."

I reached over to the nightstand, opening the second drawer where we kept all of our sex toys, and pulled out my favorite strap to use on her.  When she saw it, she let out a breathy moan mixed with a giggle, knowing exactly what was about to happen.

"Your favorite." I smirked at her, slipping the harness on and securing it tightly.

Before I could even get into position, she was up on her knees, taking the cock into her mouth. Seeing her sucking me off so eagerly, without me even telling her to, was insanely fucking hot.

"Lizzie," I moaned, feeling myself getting closer to release. "I wanna cum while I'm inside you."

She released the cock from her mouth, the toy completely covered in her saliva, and looked up innocently at me. I was going to absolutely raw her.

She laid back on the bed, legs spread, and I wasted no time in getting in between them, entering her with one, swift thrust. She moaned, her hips rising to meet my own as I slammed into her. I grabbed her thighs and held them up against me, her legs resting on my shoulders as I fucked her.

I watched as she gripped at the sheets, her breasts moving in time with my thrusts. She was the most magnificent creature to ever walk this fucking earth.

"I-I'm cumming, Y/N," she whined pathetically, her voice cracking with the force of my thrusts.

The sound of her voice and the friction of the toy against my clit drove me over the edge and I came, my hips bucking wildly as my walls gripped and fluttered around nothing. She let out a wail and her back arched. I reached down to play with her pretty little clit and she jerked and spasmed at my touch, cumming around the thick toy.

I released her legs and laid down on top of her, breathing heavily into the pillows beneath her head. If I could barely move, I could only imagine how she felt. I pulled out of her and she groaned, rolling over onto my back.

"I wish you could cum inside me," she cooed softly, running her fingers up and down my arm. "I want you to get me pregnant."

"Unfortunately," I breathed, brushing the hair out of her face. "This is the best I can do." I smiled. "But, it doesn't mean we can't keep trying."

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