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"Hm?" She answered, not looking up from the script she was reading.

"I want fish."

That got her attention and her eyes moved upwards to make contact with my own.

"Like ... for dinner?"

"No," I pouted. "As a pet."

She placed the script down on the table and looked at me, dumbfounded.

"Why ... what fish do you want?"

"A shark!" I exclaimed, bouncing out of the chair I was sitting in and rushing over to her, climbing into her lap happily.

Her eyes widened and I could almost see her regretting her asking me what I wanted.

"We can name him Bruce. Or Cow."

"Why would you name a shark 'Cow'?"

"Cos it's cute, silly." I rubbed the tips of our noses together and wrapped my arms around her neck, feeling affectionate.

"I like Cow. Can we get a little shark named Cow?"

"I mean," she sighed as I pouted up at her, her resolve falling away. "I guess we could if it's little. How much are sharks?"

"I have no idea," I laughed, pressing a quick kiss to her lips before pulling my phone out of my pocket, googling "shark pets."

She sighed again, resting her forehead against mine as I searched for the exotic pet I wanted.

"You can get little baby sharks!" I cried happily, showing her my phone.

"When you said 'shark' I automatically assumed you meant like ... a great white shark."

My eyes widened in absolute bliss.

"Babe! You'd get me a great white shark?"

She just stared at me before shaking her head no.

"Fuck no. What if it eats me?"

"The only one eating you around here is me," I whispered against her lips, giggling as she gave me a small peck. "No, look! They have really cute ones that live in freshwater. I always wanted a shark."

"And what if it tries to eat me?"

"Baby," I started. "It's literally like, pinky sized." I giggled, wiggling my pinky at her. "Plus, I doubt you can even buy a great white shark. Pretty sure they're a protected species." Okay, I was a bit of a shark nerd and it was starting to come out.

She tilted her head at me and squinted in question.

"I like sharks, okay?" I pouted up at her again, slightly embarrassed by the fact that I actually did like sharks whereas they terrified her. "I know you don't like them, but Cow won't hurt you, I promise."

"Cow," she breathed against me, laughter in her voice. "Okay, we can get one, but only if it's small and definitely not going to eat me."

"Cow won't eat you. But, I will. Maybe later tonight?"

"How about right now?"

What Love Tastes Like (Elizabeth Olsen x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now