I'll Buy You Anything

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AN: this is a request from @Lizziesmommymilkers. I hope you enjoy it ;)

I entered Lizzie's home office, shutting the door behind myself as I slipped inside quietly. She had her back to the door, looking out the window while she spoke on the phone. I knew she was going to be busy the whole afternoon, but I really, really needed her credit card.

Even though I had been extra cautious while entering the room, she heard me, spinning her chair around to face me, her eyes narrowing to slits as she eyed me silently. She motioned for me to come closer to her with her hand and I obeyed, approaching her desk with my hands behind my back, giving her my best puppy dog eyes.

She raised an eyebrow at me before asking the person she was speaking to to hold on, muting her phone and returning her attention to me.

"What's the matter, Y/N?"

"I need your card, mommy."

"What for this time?"

"Toys." I blushed fiercely, suddenly very embarrassed by my answer.

"What kind of toys?"

I had captured her attention, the caller on the line quickly forgotten.

"Sexy ones." I mumbled softly, my eyes suddenly finding my feet very interesting. "I also wanted to get a cute outfit that you could show me off in."

She leaned back in her chair, silently eyeing me.

"Show me."

I reached into my pocket, pulling out my phone and bringing up the website I had been browsing. I got closer to her and she wrapped her arm around my waist, pulling me to sit on her lap as she watched me from over my shoulder. I pointed out numerous articles of clothing, very many of them skimpy, revealing, and not very appropriate for any public event.

She unmuted her phone and told the other person she would call them back, hanging up without another word, and returned her full attention to me.

"And what makes you think I'd let you leave the house wearing any of this?"

I blushed at the feel of her hot breath on my neck, both of her arms now snaking around my middle to hold me close to her.

"I just thought you'd wanna show me off."

"Mhm." She breathed against me and I shuddered, accidentally grinding my hips into hers. "Show me the toys."

"Mommy," I whined softly, her fingers sliding up the leg of my shorts and stroking my sex. "They were going to be a surprise."

"No surprises." She slipped one finger inside me easily and I gasped, momentarily losing my train of thought.

I switched websites, with a bit of difficulty, showing her the various toys I wanted her to use on me. I heard her hum in satisfaction as she pumped her finger into me slowly, curling it upwards teasingly when she reached the deepest part of me. I moaned softly, leaning into her as she continued to play with me.

"Keep going." She demanded, pulling her finger out of me just to enter me again with another, filling me up further. "Tell me what these are for."

"Mommy, please." I begged quietly, my cheeks flushing a deep red.

"I can't buy them if I don't know what they're for." She smirked against my neck and I whined pathetically. Now, she was just being mean.

"T-this one, " I pointed to a girthy strap that was the most expensive on the list. "I really want this one." She hummed softly, waiting for me to continue. "It cums."

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