Learned my Lesson

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AN: this was a request from @spritebottle3000. Enjoy!

Lizzie and I were invited to a party that was being hosted by a close friend of hers, so naturally we had to go.

She was wearing a beautiful black suit, white shirt underneath with the top buttons undone, and I was still undecided on what I wanted to wear. It was only fair that she got to wear the pants this time because I almost always wore suits and she always wore dresses. So, we were trying to pick out a "girly" outfit for me, which was proving to be more difficult than we thought it would be.

"You know, this whole thing has made me realize how boyish my clothes are."

"Hm, I know, honey. You really should expand your horizons when it comes to clothing." Lizzie said as she searched through my wardrobe.

"I can't help it if you let me shop alone and I only buy shirts with cute characters on them."

"Next time we go shopping, we'll get you some adult clothes." She laughed, pulling out a dress that my cousin gave me to try and get me to dress more feminine. "Oh, this is cute, Y/N. Why don't you ever wear it?"

"Dresses are never my first choice."

It was a little above knee length, black, slightly off the shoulder with little sleeves. I gave it a once over and shrugged. It was only one night, I'm sure I could survive.

I got up from the bed and took it from her hands, holding it up against me before nodding to her.

"I'll wear it. It is kinda pretty isn't it?"

"It's going to be even prettier with you in it." She pressed a kiss to my lips and I smiled widely, gushing at the compliment.

"I'm gonna to get changed." I said as I started heading towards the bathroom.

"Oh, Y/N?" Lizzie called after me.


"Don't wear any underwear tonight."

My brows furrowed in confusion, an amused smile crossing my features.

"Why not?"

"I might want to have a little fun with you while we're out."

"In front of your friends?" I asked, a faint blush creeping up my neck to color my cheeks.

"I'm not gonna put us on display." She smiled deviously. "But, a little discreet teasing never hurt anyone."

Wordlessly, I entered the bathroom to change, taking Lizzie's words into consideration. Usually, I was the one that did the teasing so this would be an exciting change.

I came out of the bathroom, all ready to go. Lizzie was organizing the things in her purse when I entered the bedroom again to put on a pair of shoes.

"Hey, love." She greeted me. "You look beautiful."

"Not as beautiful as you." I smiled. "That suit was made for you."

"Literally." She laughed, grabbing her purse and heading to the door. "You ready?"

I grabbed a pair of flats from the closet and slipped them on, nodding as I followed her out.

"Ready, Freddy."

She wrapped her arm around me as we left the house, her hand sliding down my back to caress my ass gently.

"You listened." She mused and I nodded.

"I'm very obedient, you know this."

"I sure do." She smacked my ass and unlocked the car, getting into the driver's seat while I got into the passenger's seat.

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