Do You Believe in Soulmates?

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AN: Part 2 for you all. Happy (late) Valentine's Day!

Elizabeth returned in early March to work with her sisters on their newest collection of clothing. She called me the afternoon her flight landed, telling me all about how her and Robbie's birthdays went. I must admit, as much as I loved hearing her talk, hearing her go on and on about Robbie kinda broke me, and I may have accidentally zoned out at one point. She definitely noticed. She told me to come over so we could have that girl's night I promised her. How could I refuse?

I didn't even get a chance to knock. As I approached the door, it swung open, Elizabeth rushing out and running at me, jumping into my arms happily.

"Hey!" I laughed, holding onto her tightly as I tried to keep my balance. "What's all this? Didn't I just see you?" I teased her.

"It's been a month!" She slid out of my grasp and took me by the hand, dragging me inside.

There had been times where we hadn't seen each other for months on end. Why was she being so clingy now? Not that I minded! I was just ... confused.

She had really gone all out for girls night. She took out her favorite wine, had popcorn and pizza and milkshakes?! I let go of her hand and dropped down to my knees in front of her coffee table, grabbing a milkshake and a handful of popcorn, stuffing it into my mouth. Oh yeah, she knew how to make me happy.

"Pizza first, loser."

"Nuh uh." I protested, slurping happily on my chocolate shake. "Can't let this chocolatey goodness melt."

"At least sit on the couch and take off your jacket." She laughed at me, shaking her head as I struggled to take off my coat while still inhaling my frozen treat.

She helped me remove my winter coat, picking it up and hanging it in the coat closet. I, on the other hand, sat cross-legged on the floor, lifting the top of the pizza box to check what toppings she ordered.

"Pepperoni." I looked up at her. "I know what you like."

She bit her lip and smiled, taking a slice and sitting on the couch across from me.

"Thank you." I blushed, my voice uncharacteristically small. "This is really great."

"Only the best for you."

I tried to hide my face as I continued to drink my shake. Why did she have to say sweet things like that? She reached for the remote and I turned to face the tv, watching as she chose a movie for us to watch.

"Pick a scary one."


I pouted, shooting her a look over my shoulder. She gave me an innocent smile and continued to browse.

"How about a funny one?"


"Well, what else is there, Liz?"

"I dunno."

I kicked off my shoes and I heard her clear her throat behind me. I sighed, placing my drink on the table and standing, I picked up my shoes to put them with hers at the front door.

"Thank you!" She called out to me.

"You're welcome, mom." I grumbled as I returned.

She gestured to the spot beside her on the couch and I grabbed my shake and plopped down next to her, sipping at it obnoxiously.

"You better be quiet when the movie starts."

"Make me."

She tilted her head at me and I stuck my tongue out at her, earning a giggle from the blonde goddess.

What Love Tastes Like (Elizabeth Olsen x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now