Stressed But Well Dressed

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AN- this was a request from @flowerka_4 I'm sorry it's not as angsty as it could be tho

"Y/N! Your mom is gonna be here in less than an hour!"

"More like two hours!" I called back.

"If she's anything like you, she'll be on time."

"We aren't that alike, babe." I tried to backhandedly assure her.

"Well, last time she came on time so I'd like to be ready for her."

"Last time we flew her out to California. This time she's coming to see us in New York. Big difference. She lives here."

"Will you just ..." she paused, regaining her composure. "Will you just get ready, please?"

I looked at her questioningly, watching as she paced the length of the bedroom before remembering what she was looking for, digging in one of her drawers for her earrings.

"Babe, we have time," I tried to ease some of her worry. "Plus, we don't have to be perfect."

"You don't have to be perfect." She snapped under her breath, looking at herself in the mirror to see if her makeup needed a touch up.

I frowned at her, returning my attention to my closet where I was trying to pick out an outfit that Elizabeth deemed suitable for my mother's visit.

"Not that shirt!" She called out without even looking at me, and my hand dropped from one of my favorite shirts.

"Why not?" I whined. "My mother has seen me in worse."

She gave me a look and I shut my mouth, deciding on a shirt more suitable for a dinner party than for a simple hangout at home.

"Thank you."

I grunted at her, grabbing my slacks and heading to the bathroom to get changed. I knew my mother visiting us stressed Lizzie out, but I figured after the first time meeting her the second time would be easier on her. Clearly it wasn't.

The bathroom door opened as I was putting on my shirt and Elizabeth walked in, heading straight for the sink so she could freshen up the makeup she was just checking not five minutes ago.

"You look fine." I said softly, buttoning my slacks and walking over to her.

"Just fine?" She questioned.

"You always look beautiful, Elizabeth."

"I need to look my best." She turned to me and eyed my outfit, bringing her hands up to my collar and fixing it. "And so do you."

I sighed, my hands dropping to my sides.

"She already likes you, Lizzie. I don't know what you're so worried about."

"What I'm worried about," she practically hissed at me. "Is your mother thinking we're slobs."

"We're not slobs." I pouted. "Even when we are, we aren't."

"I wish you would just listen to me, for once."

My pout deepened and I watched as her expression softened at the sight of me.

"I'm sorry, lovebug." She rested her forehead against mine, sighing softly. "I'm just ... really under a lot of pressure right now with the studio breathing down my neck about publicity for my new movie and just ..." she sighed again. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have taken it out on you."

"It's okay." I cupped her cheeks, kissing her briefly before sighing myself. "I know you have a lot on your plate. I haven't been much help. I'm sorry too."

She smiled, pulling away from me and looking at my outfit.

"You look cute. Your mom loves that shirt."

"How do you know that?"

"She said so last time she visited. You'd know that if you listened to her."

I rolled my eyes and she laughed, giving me another quick peck.

"I didn't realize you two had gotten so close last time."

"She likes to talk about you and I like to listen."

I groaned.

"That is exactly why I don't listen to her."

She slapped my shoulder playfully.

"Shuddup, she's cute."

"Make me."

With a smirk, she pressed her lips to my own, effectively silencing my griping. Maybe I should've tried this on her earlier.

What Love Tastes Like (Elizabeth Olsen x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now