Chapter 2

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Jack Johnson's POV

Both me and Jack stayed back at the house after we cleaned her bathroom. I have no clue what he was thinking while doing this since he broke up with her, but I know I just wanted to burst into tears.

My little sister could actually be gone. I grew up with her. We played games together. We dressed up together. We would sometimes sleep in the same bed when one of us had a bad dream when we were little. Shit, she have me advice on how to ask Emily out! I was there for her when she went through break ups. Which surprisingly, she had a lot. People just started to play her, and soon enough she had enough, and just stopped dating. Now the house is basically going to be empty.

No one will be in the house except me most of the time. God knows where my parents are. They are probably still over at our aunts. Our parents usually aren't ever home, so basically me and Mack.

But, now it's just me.

She really wanted to go. She wanted to leave. I want her to be happy, but is this honestly her version of happy? She obviously thought about how I would feel about this, and I feel empty.

I hate knowing the fact, that if Jack could have just came over, or if I even just stayed home, she could still be here.

Just one choice can change someone's life. In this situation, it ended it. I need to actually know what wanted her to end it. Yeah, that one day at the mall apparently, but she also said name calling or some shit.

Where is her phone? I look around her room, "what the fuck are you doing bro?" Jack asked me.

"Looking for her phone."


"To find out what she is hiding from me."

I search her room, some more, while Jack does the same. "Found it," I say taking it off the counter in the bathroom. Why didn't I see it there before?

I look at the case on her phone and notice it's a picture of me and her when we were younger. I get a few tears in my eyes but blink them away and flip over her phone and swipe the screen.

What would her passcode be?

"It's '5225'" Jack tells me.

I look at him confusingly, but type in the numbers, and the phone unlocks. "Whoa," I say looking at all of the apps. "What does that mean?" I ask, looking up at Jack.

"It spells your name dude. She would always tell me how sorry she feels for not hanging out with you as much as you guys use to. She loves you."

I smile, and go to her messages. Immediately, I see different texts from people saying different things, certainly not good. God, I feel horrible.

I know she has gone through a lot, especially loosing Pete. The whole family loved him and approved of him. When he died Mack just started to stop communicating, eating, who knows if she was sleeping, she was in her room all the time.

I get out of her messages, and go to twitter, and all the shows up on her timeline is a bunch of hate. Shit. Is this honestly all she gets? She's my fucking sister. They are suppose to fucking respect her with fucking care, not disrespect.

Most of it though, was about her, and Jack, and how it was her fault. Which honestly I don't know. She didn't want to tell Jack something that was pretty serious. Yes, I understand that, that is something to get angry about, but really Jack? You had to break up with her?

I don't know. I shake my head and go onto Instagram. On there all you see is comments of hate, and non hate.

I look at the non hate and notice it's some fans. Now those are true fans. But if they are honestly hating her because she's my sister, that is not except able in anyway.

I lock her phone, setting it down. I can't get the fact out of my was that she could actually be gone.

I take out my phone and go to twitter. None of this is going to get away with.

@JackJackJohnson; really you guys?

@JackJackJohnson; she's my sister and you guys hate on her! you gotta be kidding me!

@JackJackJohnson; and if you're going to hate her about the whole her and Jack thing, they can work it out.

@JackJackJohnson; and if you hate them dating, fuck off. they've been friends as long at me and Jack. they have an inseparable relationship like Jack and I



so i figured out that Mack's pov will come back in Chapter 4.

and you should go check out the other stories I posted(;

Ones a Gilinsky one and the other is a Johnson one!

alright, I love you all and live free((:

deserve ≫ s.w  // sequel to jjs little sister [completed]Where stories live. Discover now