Chapter 30

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We had all gotten our own rooms for our selfs. Most likely, all of us were going to do it, and we wouldn't want to be in the same room.

So we all decided to meet up in my room, and get ready. We told the guys our plan, and they were perfectly fine with it. "Lets get ready!" Emily shouts throwing her choice of clothes on my bed.

Toby smiles and puts hers on a chair, while I look through my suitcase to find the outfit I want. When I find it, I take it out and lay it by my suitcase while I still search for my shoes.

I find my black platform heels, and set them besides my clothes. My hair had been in a messy fishtail braid, so I went into the bathroom to straighten my hair.

"Are you guys going to do your hair?" I ask pushing the temperature I want.

"No, we're fine," Toby responds.

"Okay," I say and start to straighten my hair.


"Ready?" I ask spraying on my perfume. We all look at each other and smile.

"Yes," Emily says. "After we take some selfies."

I chuckle and pull out my phone. We take some selfies then we take some mirror selfies, and I post one to Twitter captioning: "goin' for a night out 😜😈"

I tag the girls and lock my phone. "Let's go," I smile.

We all leave the hotel room and head to the elevator. Sam had texted me a while ago saying that they were waiting downstairs in the lobby.

We press the number "1" and we start to go down. "Are you guys ready?" Toby asks excited. She obviously wants to get drunk off her ass.

"Yes!" Emily exclaims. I look at my reflection in the wall of the elevator. It's practically a mirror. I'm wearing a spaghetti strap crop top, Aztec print black and white tight skirt, along with my heels. I'm wearing a necklace, and holding my phone.

Emily has a little purse that I'll most likely shove my phone into later. If not, I'll probably put it into my bra. I hear the "ding!" of the elevator, and we get out, looking for the boys.

"There they are," Toby nudges me pointing to them all talking away. "C'mon Emily," she says to her. Emily was looking at some paintings.

We walk over, and when I look up, each boy has their eye locked on their girlfriends. Sammy slowly walks over to me, licking his lips and whispering in my ear, "I don't know if I can let you go with the girls."

"And why's that?" I whisper back.

"I might not be able to keep my hands to myself, babygirl."


Entering the club, music blasting in our ears. I'm going to have a fun time tonight, and nobody is going to stop me. "Drinks!" Toby shouts and points over to the bar.

I turn to Sam and kiss him on the lips before catching up to the girls. "What would you pretty lady's like?" The bartender asks.

"Shots," Toby smirks. He nods, and turns around getting our shots ready. He turns around and places one in front of each of us.

We all clink the mini glasses together and drink it. A familiar burning sensation goes down my throat. I put the glass down like the girls, and follow them to the dance floor.

We dance with each other to the beat of songs, and some remixes here and there. This is probably one of the best times of my life; hanging around the people I love, and having a great time.

"Let's go find the guys," I say to the girls and they all nod. We walk around, and see them talking at the bar. We go over there and I sit on Sam's lap. "Whatcha have?" I ask referring to his drink.

"Beer," he says. I nod my head, and take a drink of it. I've never been a fan of beer, but now I'm letting loose.

I get a mix of Redbull and Skyy, what I usually prefer. When I get it I immediately start to drink. "Woah, baby. Slow down," Sammy chuckles.

I playfully stick my tongue out at him and he smirks. I roll my eyes and he kisses me. His tongue rolls on my bottom lip, asking for permission and I let him in.

He lightly bites my bottom lip and I let out a moan. "Shh," he says loud enough for me to hear. "Just wait until we get back to the hotel, babygirl."


I didn't wait for shit, I'm shitfaced drunk and I can barely walk. Toby is just like me and we are giggling at the littlest things. Emily went back to the hotel with Jack, they probably did it.

We both run into about every person here, until we see the guys sitting on the couch. "Lets go scare them," Toby giggles in my ear.

I nod my head and we try to sneak up on them, only I fail miserably and almost fall straight onto my face, but Sammy catches me. "Woah, I think it's time to go home now," he chuckles.

"Yeah, you guys are way past drunk," Nate agrees grabbing Toby's arm, and Sammy grabbing mine.

"Shh," I slur with one of my fingers up to my lips.

"But we're having a fun time," Toby whines. Nate chuckles and whispers something in her ear. Something probably along the line of "we're going go have fun back at the hotel, lil mama."

The guys call over a Taxi, and I almost immediately pass out on Sammy's shoulder. I was not ready for tomorrow- headaches, hangovers, and puking.


954 words.. Woah

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