Chapter 27

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When I woke up in the morning, I knew I was going to have to tell Sammy. I just don't know how. He was still sleeping, so I slid on some underwear and one of his shirts.

I put my hair into a messy bun, and put on my glasses. I walk downstairs and look around the kitchen, deciding on what to cook. I decide that I'll make some pancakes and bacon.


After dancing and singing in the kitchen, breakfast was finally ready. I lay everything on the table, and run upstairs. I jump on the bed, and straddle Sam.

"Hey," I whisper. "Wake up," I say and kiss his lips. I can feel him smile into the kiss. I pull away and smile at him.

"Okay," he groans and stretches. "I'm up."

"Great, I made breakfast," I say jumping off of him and running down stairs. I sit down in my chair and wait for Sammy to come down.

I start to play with my fingers, what if he leaves me? What if he gets mad and storms out on me? I don't want to loose him..

"Whatcha thinkin' about, babe?" Sam asks looking at me, not acknowledging the food. I'm more important than his food. I guess that's nice.

"Nothing," I mumble. My mind is just full of different things. I don't know how I am directly going to tell him, but knowing me it's going to come out stupidly.

He looks at me a little weird, before taking a seat, and starts to eat his food. We sit in silence, and it's not awkward. I take little bites, but we finish.

"I'll clean the dishes, put them in the sink," I say and walking into the kitchen. I put my dishes in and start to clean mine.

"No," Sam says wrapping his arms around my waist from behind. "Something is bothering you, what's on your mind?"

I turn around and look him in the eyes. "I've applied at colleges," I say quietly.

"That's amazing! Why are you making it seem like it's bad?"

"I applied at New York, and Seattle.." I say looking at the ground. He becomes silent, and I can feel my heart being ripped out. He's probably going to leave me.

"S-so you're just gunna leave me?" His voice cracks. I look up to see his eyes glossy. Fuck.

I sigh, looking down. "Unless you come with me. We can buy a house, and live together."

"Why can't you just do online or something?" He asks, and I can hear the anger in his voice.

"Because these are my dream colleges, Sam. I'm sorry that I'm pursuing my dream! I suggested that we move in together, what else do you want from me?" I ask, at the verge of tears.

We have rarely fought, and how he is acting is making me baffled. He is getting mad at me fire going to college, I guess I kinda saw this coming.

"I want to be with you, but I like it here. This is home," he says and I can hear how his voice cracked that he's trying not to cry. He's confused and doesn't know what to think.

I sigh, and look at the clock. The mail for today should have came, I'll go check and see if I got any mail from either college. I start to walk towards the door, but of corse Sammy yells at me. "Where are you going?"

"To check the mail," I replay opening the door, and hurrying myself to get the mail hoping nobody sees me without pants on.

When I get into the house, I look through all the mail, and seeing two envelopes from Seattle, and New York. My heart stops as I put the other irrelevant mail to the side.

I jump up on the counter and open the one from Seattle. Not accepted. I can feel my heart ache a little as I scramble to get to look at the one from New York. Not accepted.


Kind of a plot twist 😉

And I'm sorry (again) that some of my updates may be short, you guys were all told this before it all even started.

And the family issue got fixed and my phone is back so I'll keep updating! (:

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