Chapter 23

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-6 months later-

"I don't like these, I don't think anybody has," I start out. "My parents, they were always there for me, well, when they could be. My mom was such a great role model for me, and not having her here right now, hurts. I'm sure it hurts all of you. Our family may not be the best, but we all love each other. We don't care how crazy we are, our love is what keeps us together. And now, if any of you ever feel like that either of them aren't here, think again. They will ways be with us- in our hearts. Or, watching us from above. I love you mom and dad," I finish and walk down from the stand.

Funerals can suck my ass. I have cried enough this year, I'm surprised I still have any. I go take my seat between Sam and Jack. Jack had already said his speech, so a few more people are, and then we are going to lower them in the ground.

I grab Sam's hand and interlock lock them, making me calm down a little bit. Every since Jack and I planned the funeral, I've been getting little anxiety attacks.

I've managed to get past them, but they seem to get worse. I haven't told anyone, though. It doesn't seem that big to worry about.

Jack Gilinsky was also one of the people to say a "few words" along with Sam. Nate didn't know my mom and dad that well, but he literally said only a few words.

We all stand up and walk over to where they were going to put their coffins in the ground. I grab Sam's hand and squeeze it hard as a few tears leave my eyes.

I was wearing a dress that just goes a little past my waist, black obviously. It was laced by the shoulders, and my hair was in a fishtail braid. I was wearing some black heel, boot type things. My makeup was smokey eye, eyeliner and mascara, and light lipstick.

I had an earring cuff I my right ear, while I had normal diamonds in my other. I knew it was probably a stupid idea for me to wear eye makeup, but at least my mascara was water proof.

All of our family and friends watch slowly as the workers start to over the holes with grass. We had made sure that they got buried next to each other.

I hug Sam tightly as he rubs my back, and tries to calm me down but I know he was probably crying to. Jack and I have been talking and we think that we're going to sell the house and he is going to move in with Emily.

I move away and wipe under my eyes and we walk back to my car. Sam drives us to our house and when we get there I immediately take off my heels. They were starting to hurt my feet.

I walk upstairs and into Sam and I's bathroom. I remove all of my makeup and take out the cuff and replace it with a normal earring.

I walk into our bedroom, and Sam goes into the bathroom. I strip from my dress, and grab one of Sam's t-shirts and spandex.

I leave my hair in the fishtail braid and go into bed, waiting for Sammy any moment now. I hear the bathroom door open, and some movement. I knew he was most likely taking off his clothes.

I feel the bed dip down, and he pulls me closer to his shirtless body. He only had sweats on. This is what I like; falling asleep next to the love of my life.

"Night, babe," his sleepy voice says and he kisses my forehead.

"Night, baby."



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