Chapter 18

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Samuel Wilkinson's POV

Is it bad I'm getting tired of Mack? Like, I love her, I think. But all she does is stay in her room now, and it's kinda getting annoying.

Like, how much more longer am I going to have to go without sex? I can't wait another fucking year for her to be happy again.

So, me being me, I texted Jack for help. He always has girls' number and can easily hook me up.

Sammy Wilk;
Dude. I need your help.

Jack Gilinsky;
With what?

Sammy Wilk;
I need a girl.

Jack Gilinsky;
A girl? Like one to help your dumb horny ass?

Sammy Wilk;

Jack Gilinsky;
But that would be cheating on Mack.. you and I both know that's horrible.

Sammy Wilk;
So? Don't tell her and she won't figure out.

I set my phone down and look out my window waiting for a number from Jack. I don't feel any guilt in me, and that makes me a little concerned.

Maybe I don't love Mack anymore.

Jack Gilinskys POV

Anger boils in me when I receive the last text. How selfish can this prick get? Why is acting as if Mack doesn't exist in his life anymore.

Whatever. Maybe then Mack will realize what a dick Sam is. I send Sam one of Gabby's friends number. She's single and probably horny like Sam.

I lock my phone and look around my room.

It's so dirty.

I have nothing better to do with my life, so I get out of bed and start to clean it.


lmao idek about this story even more .

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