Chapter 17

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My heart beats faster and faster as I get closer and closer to the scene. Why I have this voice in my head saying that I need to come here, I don't know.

When I arrive my hands are sweaty and my thoughts are jumbled with all different things. I get out of my car and use my headlights for light to see, and my phone flashlight.

I open the passenger door, and look on the ground the see and envelope? My curiosity takes over as I grab it and see that it says, "for jack & mack."

My mind races with different possibilities, but I knew that it was meant for Jack and I, so I put it into my car, but I don't leave the scene.

I look at the smashed car. Glass everywhere. The car is in a ditch, a drunk driver had hit her. The driver door was against a tree. Well, that whole side was.

The whole car is just indented. Tears leave my eyes and I try to contain them as I get back into my car. I'm going over to my brothers, now. I need to know what this note says.


It's 6am as I pull into his driveway. I don't hesitate to rush up to his front door and knock.

I see a sleepy Jack Johnson is front of me when he opens the door. His eyes are barley open as he rubs them, no shirt just pajama pants. And his hair is everywhere.

"Why are you here at," he looks at a clock for the time. "6 in the damn morning?"

"Go get some coffee. It's important," I say rushing past him and into the kitchen to make the sleepy boy coffee.

He sits down at one of the stools at the bar table and asks, "what's so important?"

I sigh, looking at the coffee mug seeing I have a whole until it'll be ready. "So, I was on my roof. I was drinking and smoking. I had this feeling that moms death had something related to me. I let my curiosity take over, and I went to the crash scene."

Jacks eyes nearly pop out of his head. "You went to the scene? Are you crazy?" He nearly yells.

"Yes. Because I found this," I say putting the unopened envelope in front of him.

I pour his coffee into the cup and put milk and creamer in there, just how he likes it, and slide it in front of him.

"Where was this?" He asks, taking a sip of the coffee.

"Moms car," I reply quietly.

He looks up at me before down at the envelope, and slowly opening it. He pulls out the paper, slowly, and stars to read it.

I go over and read it over his shoulder.

Dear Mack and Jack,
I know I won't be able to tell you what's on this letter, so that's why I wrote it. I know it would just bring me to uncontrollable tears telling you guys, and seeing your tears would hurt me. So, here it goes.
Your father and I had recently went to the doctors, he said he wasn't feeling well, and neither was I. We got some checkups, and we found out horrible news. This is where it's getting hard. Your father has cancer. They said after a few treatments and surgeries that his could get better. But for me, I have stage 4 cancer. There is no stopping it. I'll die, and I don't want that, I want to live older and see beautiful grandchildren that you two will produce (not together obviously) but things happen. When I die, I want you guys to be happy, and think of all the good times we've all had together. And watch out for each other.



and I have a second degree grass burn.

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