Chapter 20

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Mackenzie Johnson's POV

I wake up in a familiar bed. Why was Sammy at his parents house last night? I ignore myself, and stay in his warmth. It makes me feel protected, I like that.

He shifts a little, before his arms pull me closer to him- if even possible. I smile to myself, and lightly kiss his bare chest.

I can see the smile form on his lips. "Morning, baby girl." His raspy (& hot) morning voice says.

"Morning," I say before kissing his cheek. "What time is it?" I ask closing my eyes and laying my head on his chest.

"Um," Sam starts, reaching for his phone. "11:24 am."

I nod, before getting up and stretching. I rub my eyes, that sting a little, from crying last night. "Thanks for comforting me last night," I mumble quietly.

Sam sits up and kisses my forehead. "Of course. I'll always be here, baby."

I smile and get out of bed. "Jack and I are going to visit our dad. Do you want to come?"

He thinks for a minute, scratching his chin. "Yeah. I'll come pick Jack and you up. Text me when you guys plan on leaving."

I smile and kiss his lips. "Alright, love you," I say leaving his room.

"I love you," I hear Sam faintly say as I leave his room.


After I get out of the shower, I wrap myself in a towel. I go into my room, quietly singing to music that's playing. I grab underwear and a bra and put that on. I grab a white cami, with a Nike sweater. I put on black leggings and Galaxy Nike elite socks, and black Vans.

I brush my hair and put it into a messy bun. Sighing, I put on a little mascara and my glasses. I don't like to see my father dying. Hell, nobody would. Its going to hurt me, seeing him like this.

I grab my phone and text Sammy I'm ready. I go into Jacks room and sit down on his bed in front of him while he scrolls through his phone. "You ready?" I ask.

"No," he admits. "I don't want to see dad like this. It's going to hurt me so bad. And my best friend isn't even here to comfort me. Do you know how bad that hurts me?" I can see his eyes start to water and I crawl into his lap and hug him.

"I'm here, Jack. I'm never leaving."

He hugs me tight, "you better not. Not again."

I knew he was talking about my suicide attempt. I'm not going to leave. My brother needs me. His happiness means more to me then my sadness.

Why didn't I think about this before?

I would rather see my brother smile then kill myself for the pain I'm going through. He is going through pain too, and I am never going to leave him.

"Do you wanna have an us week? Just the two of us hanging out?" I ask into his chest. I can imagine the smile on his face.

"That would be fun. I would love some time with my little sister."

I smile into his chest, and feel my phone buzz.

From Samuel💝👼🏼;
I'm here, baby.

"Sammy's here," I say getting off of Jack and going into my room. I grab my Polaroid, and walk downstairs. I see Sammy and Jack smiling and I push my glasses up my nose. (A/N; if you have glasses, like me, then this is a constant struggle and it makes me so mad)

"You look cute in glasses," Sam smiles kissing my forehead. I smile and blush.

"Let's go. Visiting hours might end soon."


Pretty decent sized chapter I think 😌

deserve ≫ s.w  // sequel to jjs little sister [completed]Where stories live. Discover now