Chapter 16

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Mackenzie Johnson's POV

I sit in my room a week later. Sammy and Nate are in the studio making new songs, Jack J is getting better with Emily. I heard they were going to the beach today.

As for me, I sit yet agin on Sam and I's apartment roof, bottle of Skyy, and a joint in my hand. I can't get over the fact that my mother is really gone. Now my, hopefully, future kids won't have a grandma.

I take another drink as more tears leave my eyes. I wipe them on my forearm. My mothers death had nothing to do with me, right?

No. Don't think like that, Mack. It wasn't your fault. I sigh taking a hit and looking at the stars. I'm cold, but my mind isn't worrying about that right now.

I have this voice in the back of my head that is telling me there was something to the reason why she was driving, since she actually hasn't been doing that for a while.

I furrow my eyebrows and put the cap on the Skyy and put my finished joint in the trash can. I put on a sweatshirt, and basketball shorts with high top Nikes before getting into my car.

I was going to the scene of my mothers crash.


haha i left it as a cliff hanger bc i wanted to!2!1!1!! And i try making the next chapter longer since the past two were short af..

And FYI; some chapters may be short, so sorry in advance!


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