Chapter 24

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I look through the mail impatiently. I have applied at Seattle University, and New York University all for photography, and this week I am suppose to get a letter saying which I get accepted into.

This mail is from yesterday, and I see nothing from either college. I sigh, and throw away all of the irrelevant papers.

I start to think the worst; what if I don't get accepted. What if either university's don't like my work, and they don't want me going to their school.

But then I get to a different thought. What if I do get accepted? To any of them, really, I will be leaving everyone. My family, friends - Sam.

I shake the thoughts out of my head, and look back at my phone. Sammy was at the studio, and said he would be texting me when he's on his way home.

Just his texts, seem to make me calm down. It's just something about them that either make me smile like a goof, or push my thighs together.

I hear the familiar buzz and I basically run over to my phone.

From Sammy💎💝;
On my way home, baby.

Okay, maybe he makes me do both. I smile and push my thighs together, just imagining him saying "baby," to me.

To Sammy💎💝;
Okay. What are we going to do tonight?

From Sammy💎💝;
Depends. What do you want to do? 😏

To Sammy💎💝;
Oh my god. Seriously Sam?

To Sammy💎💝;
But then again.. I wouldn't mind that.

From Sammy💎💝;
Nah I'm kidding, babygirl. Wanna go to the movies? Or out to dinner?

Before I could even reply, he was responded again.

From Sammy💎💝;
I want to treat you right tonight, so we're going out to dinner. Dress nice, babygirl.

This time, I pushed my thighs together, imagining what we would be doing after dinner, and here at our house.


Sorry it's another short chapter!

Ima try making the next one loner.

I don't know if I'll continue this update because im getting in a really sad state right now, and I need to learn to cope with it and get out of my phone.

(Story time)

My crush likes my best friend, and she knows I like him.. and she knew he liked her.. my heart hurts and I want to disappear.

deserve ≫ s.w  // sequel to jjs little sister [completed]Where stories live. Discover now