Chapter 28

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"Maybe it's fate. Maybe you are suppose to stay here, with me," Sammy says as he rubs my back. I sigh, I was really hoping I got into one of them, but I don't know.

Is it even possible to try and get into a college again? I don't know, but Sammy really seems to want me to stay home. "Sam," I say looking up at him. "You should know how bad I wanted to get into those colleges."

"I know," he sighs kissing my forehead. "But at least we can stay here with the whole squad." I can imagine the smile on his face as he speaks. I smile too, I guess I can do online, and I would still be at home.

"I love you," I say and reach my head up to kiss him. He kisses back, and tries to deepen it, but I pull away. A smirk rises on my face.

"I love you, too."


"Let's go somewhere," Sam says randomly as we have a lazy day on the couch. I look up at him and giggle.

"Where would you want to go?"

He shrugs, "Vegas?"

I literally jump up with excitement. I straddle him and look him in the eyes, "can we?"

He chuckles, "you sound like a little girl."

"Nah, I'm your babygirl."

"That's right," he says before attaching our lips. His lips go lower, and down to me neck. I quietly moan, and bite my bottom lips. "Do you really wanna go to Vegas? Bring the whole squad?" He asks.

"Yes!" I basically shout. "I really wanna go, and going with you would just make everything better," I smile at him.

"You're so gorgeous," he says, looking me in the eyes. I can feel myself blush as I look away.

"You aren't so bad yourself, Wilk," I smirk at him. He smiles at me.

"Go get packed, I'll get tickets for us organized. And i talk to the squad," Sam says pecking my lips.

I groan, laying my head on his chest. "I'm comfortable right here though." I take a breath, closing my eyes, "with you."

He rubs my back and sways us from side to side. "Are you tired?" He asks playing with my hair.

"Mhm," I hum, bringing my arms around his torso. "Carry me to bed?" I ask with my head still on his chest. I hear him chuckle which vibrates his chest.



Sorry it's kinda short..

Next chapter will he held in Las Vegas, Nevada!!

And sorry updates have been kinda late, I'm still dealing with my family issues and not always on my phone to update.

But should I post a new story? I have a few that I would like to post but, let me know. If you want to know what some of them are like, you can message me (:

deserve ≫ s.w  // sequel to jjs little sister [completed]Where stories live. Discover now