Chapter 34

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Mackenzie Johnson's POV

I wake up at like 2am, I can't sleep without Sam. I get up from bed and make my way downstairs. I see him still awake watching tv on the couch.

When I hug him from behind, it startles him, but he relaxes and I hear him sniffle? I quickly rush around to see he has tear stained cheeks. "No," I say and hug him tight.

He hugs my tight and I'm straddling him and I can feel his tears fall onto my shoulder. My heart breaks and it makes me want to cry. I pull away and wipe his tears.

He sniffles and I see his eyes well up with more tears. "I'm sorry," he chokes out before more tears leave his eyes. "I shouldn't have been selfish and I should have just been there for you when you needed me. I was being an asshole, I just mess everything up. I'm sorry. You don't deserve me."

I squeeze him harder as I hear a sob leave his mouth. I rub his back and pull away. He bites his lip to contain his sobs. "Baby, you don't mess anything up. You made a mistake, we all do. You were still there for me, weren't you?"

He wipes his nose and nods his head. "Did you ever cheat after that?" I ask, and he shakes his head and his glossy eyes meet mine. "See, technically you did nothing wrong."

He shrugs. He isn't sad just because of this, there's more to it. "What's wrong?" I ask relaxing my body a little and slouching down so I'm level with him.

"I don't know," he sighs and shrugs. "I just feel like I'm not good enough for you, I feel like I'm not a good raper, I feel like I'm not as good looking."

I am shocked at how quickly he admitted his feelings, most guys wouldn't. "Baby, you are perfect for me, you're an amazing raper, and you're so handsome. I don't know who is telling you otherwise, but they're wrong."

I can almost feel the tears in my eyes that are about to fall out, and he brings me into a hug. "I love you, so much."

"I love you."

-3 Months Later-

Sam and I are at a nice restaurant, and it feels really out of nowhere, but I don't mind it. I love spending time with Sammy, I love any chance I get.

There was this quiet classy music playing in the back ground as I take a drink of my water. We were waiting for the check, and Sam said we were going to walk around the beach after, which I was totally fine with.

The waiter places the check down on the table, and Sam puts the money down and a tip, before standing up and reaching his hand out for me to grab. I smile and put my hand in his as he tugs me up.

My tight dress falls down lightly onto the top of my feet, and I grab my phone before Sam intertwined our fingers. I smile and give his hand a squeeze.

We walk a few minutes down to the beach, and I faintly see a sign? And some flowers? Aw, I wonder who that's for. When we get closer I notice Sam's hand start to sweat. He's nervous about something.

When we get closer we get a perfect view of the sunset. I smile at it and Sam steps in front of me and takes my other hand. He looks me in the eyes and says, "Mackenzie, you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. You bring the best out of me, and always know how to make me smile when I'm at my worst. You know how to make anyone smile when they're at their worst, really. That is just another thing I love about you. I love how you always wear my shirts, I love how you always wear your glasses around the house, with your hair in a messy bun. I love how you don't care that I hang out with the guys a lot. I love how you have been recently laying your head on my chest when you fall asleep. I love how when you wake up you always leave a kiss on my forehead, or the other way around. I want this to happen for the rest of our lives," he says and gets down on one knee. My eyes get tears in them as he pulls out a box and opens it. The sign lights up and on it, it says "Mack, will you marry me?"

I smile as tears fall down my face, "yes!" I shout and hug him, tight. He picks me up and spins me around. "I love you," I say into his ear.

He sets me down and gives me a long and passionate kiss. "I love you, too."


The End


Epilogue coming next

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