Chapter 5

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Was I really out that long? They said the date was June 29th, I'm pretty sure I took the pills and cut myself on like, the 21st.

I can only image what everybody was thinking and going through. I open my eyes, and the lights are dim in the room, and the tv is on, the news.

I look at it and I'm on there. What? "Mackenzie Johnson still in the hospital for suicide attempt."

Well that's lovely, just what I want. I bet when I leave this place all these photographers are going to want pictures and stories, and I hope they don't know all of it.

Jack wouldn't deserve to get the blame all on him, because it isn't all his fault. It was everybody who was texting me, fans, my mind. I just repeated every bad past in my mind, and think of reasons I should go.

I look around the room and notice that my phone isn't here. Awesome, all I get to do is listen to people talk shit about me on the news and look at white walls.

"I love her. I'm beyond worried about her. It's been more then a week and we hasn't heard anything, I just hope she okay."

JJ? I look up at the tv to see my brother with tears in his eyes, and he wipes them with his hand. God I feel so horrible.

I put my head in my hands and sigh, but soon jump when the doors open. "Ah, Miss. Johnson. How are you feeling?" My doctor asks me, taking out his clipboard and pen.

"Uh, I feel a little dizzy," I say honestly and he nods.

"That's usual, it should ware off in a while. Would you like some water?"

"Uh, yes please."

He nods, leaving the room and again, I'm left to watch the news. No longer then 10 minutes later he returns and hands me a bottle of water, "here. Get some sleep, well go over more when you wake."

I nod, drinking my water and then setting it next to me and laying back down, and closing my eyes, imagining I'm with Jack.

Jack Johnson's POV

"Jack, it's been more then a week, she's gone," I choke out to him.

I can see in his eyes that he doesn't want to admit it, but he knows it's true. she's been dead for a day now, and neither of us know how to take it.

My fucking sister is gone, I won't be able to see her again, how and I going to do this? My children won't have an aunt. I won't be an uncle. well, I guess Jack could be their "uncle" but it wouldn't be the same, he isn't blood related.

I just sigh looking back down at my phone hoping and praying that the hospital would call back, and tell me she is actually alive.

Looking up, I see Jack texting someone? "Hey, um, I'm going to go over to Gabby's house," he says kind of awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck.

Anger boils in me. "Really?" I sass. "You are going to go over to Gabby's, while one of your closest friends, and my sister is dead. What? Is it like you just moved on from her that fast or something? You loved her. Don't even lie to yourself Jack, you know you did. And, you know that fight you had, was stupid. Yes, she should have told you, but you guys didn't have to break up. I bet you were one of the only things keeping her going in a time like this. So, fuck you. Go see Gabby for all I care. But don't lie to yourself when you say you miss her."

All he does is stand up, "I'll text you later."

Is he kidding me? He literally just fucking left when basically his best friend is dead. Wow, low.

Wiping the tears from my eyes, I hear the front door open, and I see Toby and Nate. "God, you guys. Jack just left."

Toby nods, head in Nate's shoulder. Damn, I never really thought about how she would be feeling, they have been friends for a long time.

"She hasn't talked for a week," Nate informs me, as Toby lifts her head, and I can see the tears in her eyes, as she walks over to me, opening her arms for a hug.

I open mine, and she brings us into a big bear hug. I can feel the tears rolling down her face onto my neck. "I miss her so much," she chokes out in between cries.

"So do I, so do I."

She lifts her head, and wipes her own tears quickly before I can, and then wipes mine. "It's okay," she sighs, trying to sound strong. "We're all going to get through this together. It may take a while, and it may take some-"

She was cut off by my phone ringing. Me thinking it was Jack or Sam, I lazily go over to it to see that it was the hospital.

"It's the hospital," I say quietly, going to be expecting bad news. "Hello?"

"Mr. Johnson, we have some amazing news for you."



but anyway; obviously the doctor is calling JJ to tell him that Mack is alive((:

okay um, I'm very sorry for not updating.. I feel SOO bad.

but I have to try harder in school because I have bad grades.

like, 2 of my teachers want to have a conference with my mom, and my older sister got like straight A's, and was even student of the month.

and then my mom made me feel horrible about myself because of my bad grades.

but I guess go check out my other story because I think I'll update a little more on there bc I have chapters ready.

so, honestly idk if I'll be updating on most of my stories for a while, I'm honestly so sorry.

deserve ≫ s.w  // sequel to jjs little sister [completed]Where stories live. Discover now