Chapter 9

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"So, what do you want to do today then?" Toby asks me.

"Um, the beach?" I suggest.

Toby smiles, "sounds fun."

"When are we gonna go?"

She takes a look down at her phone, "after we get ready?"

"What time is it?"

"About 12."

I nod my head, "do you have a bathing suit?"

"No. But I can go home and change, them come back and get you?" She suggests.

"Yeah, that sounds fine," I smile.

"Hey," she says rubbing my arm while standing up. "Make him jealous he ever left you."

She winks and leaves my house. Maybe I should have a little fun today, I mean, I have nobody stopping me.

I go looking through my closet until I find a mixed-colored bandeau bathing suit top, with a ring in the middle with pink bikini bottoms to match.

I put those on, and throw over some shorts and a plain white muscle tee. I brush my hair and teeth before putting in my contacts.

Immediately I become insecure about my scars. "Shit," I think.

"Okay, I'll just make sure people won't see. I have to learn from my mistakes, I have to become better," I tell myself.

I do, however, put on a bracelet that JJ had gotten me. Gosh, I love him to bits.

I hear the front door open, which startles me. I finish applying my water-proof mascara, then walk down stairs to see who it is.

"Oh, hi Jack," I say going up and hugging my brother.

"Hey," he smiles retiring the hug. "Where are you going?" He asks.

"To the beach, with Toby. She went home to get changed."

He nods his head, before going over to a bag. He pulls out orange bottles. "They told me to tell you that you have to take two when you wake up, and before you go to bed."

"Of each?" I exclaim, my eyes wide.

He nods his head. "Wait- no- it's one of each after you wake up, kind of in the middle of the day, and before bed."

"Oh god," I groan.

He chuckles and hands me one of each of the depression and anorexic pills. And with that, he hands me some water.

First, I take the depression pills, then I take the anorexic one. "These taste like shit."

He chuckles, "um, me and the guys were planning to go to the beach, so we might tag along with you."

I glare at him, "I really hate you sometimes."

"But you know you love me," he chuckles.

I just smile and shake my head. There was a knock at the door, which made me jump up and walk over.

I open it to reveal; Sammy, Jack, and Nate.

I move to the side awkwardly, and let them all in. "Haven't talked to you for a while," Nate says hugging me.

I just chuckle, a little awkwardly and hug him.


"Let's go." Toby says sternly once she walks in. I nod, tying my Vans and grabbing my phone.

When I get into her car, I buckle up, and so does she, before we head towards the beach.

"What the hell was he doing at your house?" She asks.

I shrug, looking out the window, "He is friends with JJ, so they have the right to hangout."

She sighs, "are the coming to the beach to?"


"God, he honestly has to ruin everything," she groans.


I lay my towel down in the sand right next to Toby's, and we start tanning, talking about anything that comes to mind.

"Mack!" I hear JJ call.

I sit up, sunglasses still on, and turn around to see him with the guys all walking over here. JJ lays his towel next to mine, and he lays down while Sam and Jack go into the water.

Nate was talking to Toby.

"How ya feelin'?" He asks me.

I shrug, "I know deep down I miss him, but he's moved on, so I can't do anything about that."

He pulls me over so my head is on his chest. He rubs my back as I try holding back my tears from falling.


wow look who's back to updating this story!1!!1!

okay so tbh idk about this chapter )): I feel like I'm getting worse at updating ughhhh.

deserve ≫ s.w  // sequel to jjs little sister [completed]Where stories live. Discover now