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-6 Years Later-

"Jaiden, can you go get your sister? We're going to leave now." I ask my six-year-old. Sam and I are now married, happily. We still live in, Omaha, Nebraska and in the same house we bought a while ago.

We have two children, Jaiden who is 6, our son. And Sofia who is 2, and our daughter. I have honestly, never been happier. Sam has not only been the best husband but the best father.

"Okay, mommy," he says and runs up the stairs into Sofia's room. I get up from the crouching position I was in, and I see Sammy walk down the stairs. Sam and I were about to go out to a dinner for ourselves, and we were going to drop off the kids at Toby's, she also had a kid with Nate.

Her name is Jazmin, and she is 4. Emily and Jack are awaiting their first child soon. In other words; Emily is pregnant. Jack Johnson has been in contact with Jack Gilinsky lately, and apparently Jack is now dating a girl named Madison. I've heard nothing about a child between them yet.

Sam comes over to me and peck me on the lips. "I'm glad we get a night to ourselves," he says kissing my neck lightly.

"Stop," I giggle and put my hands on his chest and push him away. He chuckles and we hear the kids walking down the stairs. When I look at them, they are holding each others hands while slowly walking down the stairs. "They're so cute," I smile grabbing Sam's hand.

He smiles and agrees as they hit the last step and Jaiden kisses Sofia on the cheek. I think my heart melted on the spot. "We're ready, mommy," Jaiden says.

"Alright, let's get you guys in the car," I say grabbing my phone and purse. I follow the two out of the house, and Sammy closes and locks the door. I unlock our new 4-door Jeep, and I put Sofia in her carseat first while Sam puts Jaiden in his. "Ready to go to Aunt Tobys?" I ask with excitement in my voice.

They both answer with yes, and I smile before getting into the passenger seat, and Sam gets in the driver seat. "Ready for a night to remember?" Sam asks, for me only to hear. And let me tell you, his voice had evident lust in it.

I push my thighs together, and Sam notices. He bites his lip and starts the car, and we start our way to Toby's. Sam's hand travels to my thigh, and gives it a squeeze. I try to contain all of these squeals Sam is making me make, by biting my lip. "Wait till the kids are gone," I whisper to him.

He looks at me and just smiles, keeping his hand on my thigh. I place me hand over his and squeeze his hand.


"Okay, be good for Toby and Nate," I say kissing Sofia's and Jaiden's foreheads. They smile and nod their head, and run into the house. I walk over to Toby to talk to her.

"You're going to get laid tonight," she says taking a drink of her smoothie. I look at her in confusion, even though I knew it was true. "Oh please," she scoffs. "Sam is staring at you while Nate is talking to him. He probably isn't even listening."

I blush and look over, and sure enough Sam was looking at me with his bottom lip in between his teeth. "Okay, maybe I want it," I say looking back at Toby.

She smiles really big before saying, "I knew it! You do want him," she starts laughing and I smile before putting my head in my hands.

Sam walks over and hugs me from behind. Toby stops laughing and smirks at the both of us. "Have a fun night, you two."

Right when Toby turns around Sam quickly kisses my neck and says goodbye to her and Nate, before we walk to the car. I get back into the passenger seat, and when Sam got into the driver seat, he said, "fuck it. We're going home. I can't wait any longer."

I bite my lips as he backs up and speeds off to our house, he really wants to get home.


I'm pushed up against the door and Sam's lips meet my neck. I moan and take off my heels. I can hear him slip off his shoes as his lips reach my collarbone.

"Sammy, please," I beg him.

"Please, what?" He asks.

"P-please, make love to m-me."

"As you wish," he says and picks me up. My legs wrap around his torso, making my skirt come up a little. He continues to make hickies on my neck as we make our way to the room.

He lays me down on the bed and rips off his shirt, showing off his abs and making me wetter by the second. He takes off my shirt and kisses down the valley of me neck, to the top of my skirt line.

My breathing quickens. "Patience, babygirl," Sam says slowly taking off my skirt. "Lace? I love it," he says before taking off my panties.

He takes off his pants, and I can see his boner. It has been a while since we have some this, and I'll admit when I say it looks like he has gotten bigger. I throw my head on the pillow and Sam chuckles. "You'll be fine."

He kisses my lips and I feel him pull his underwear down. I calm myself down, and focus on his soft lips. How they move in perfect sync with mine, like they were meant to be like this. Together.

When he enters me, I let out a quiet moan into his lips. He lightly bites my bottom lips and gets a slow and steady pace going.

Our room is soon filled with our moans and groans. A few whimpers from me. He kisses my lips again, and I knew I was getting close.

"S-Sam," I whimper.

"I know, babygirl. Let it go," he says and kisses my neck. I let loose and reach my climax, scratching his back and he reaches his.

He pulls out and lays down next to me, and pulls me close to him. "I love you," he says before kissing my forehead.

"I love you," I say before kissing his lips.

It's amazing how much this boy has taught me. He has helped me through my hardest times, always been there for me.

But always remember, no matter what you're going through, no matter what you're thinking. You are worth it. And even though you may not think it, someone will think that you don't deserve them, but in reality, you two were meant for each other.


The End


I really have no caption besides that I'm going to work on other books so yay!

Yeah.. so I hope you guys enjoyed this book because I enjoyed writing it.. besides when people would ha'the on this book. If you didn't like it, you could have stopped reading it.

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