Chapter 29

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Sam and I are hand in hand as we walk around the strip. We have huge smiles on our face as we look at all of the different shops. "This is so cool," I smile.

Sam squeezes me hand, "I know. The rest of the gang will show up shortly."

"Okay," I respond looking up at the lit up signs. One catches my eye, it wasn't appealing. It was literally a screen showing girls show their boobs. "Please tell me you won't go in there," I say pointing to it.

Sam looks where I'm pointing and chuckles. "I have you, I won't need to go in there."

My heart flutters at his response and I smile at him. he smiles down at me and we continue to walk around, occasionally seeing some street performers.


"I'm so glad we rented a car," I sigh as we listen to the quiet music playing in the car. We are stuck in the airport traffic picking up the rest of the squad.

We rented a Jeep, but it has a few rows of seats, so Toby, Nate, Jack J, and Emily can all fit in the car. We invited Jack G, but he declined.

"Fucking shit." I curse. "People have no clue how to drive, oh my god."

Sammy chuckles and puts his hand on my thigh, squeezing it. "Chill out, we'll get to their section soon."

I sigh, looking out the window, "hopefully."

"I'm gunna ask them where they are," he says taking out his phone. I see his fingers tapping away as I sing quietly to the music.

"Um," he says looking up and scratching his chin looking around. "Right up here," he says pointing to one of the signs.

I nod my head, and swerve my way over to where they are. I pull up, and put the car in park as I jump out to greet everyone.

"Hey," I say going to everyone and giving them a hug.

"Missed you," Toby says into my ear.

I giggle, and release the hug. "I've missed you too. All the girls should hang out tonight," I suggest as Emily walks over.

"What if we all go to the club, but us girls stay in a little group?" Emily asks outing her suitcase in the trunk.

"That sounds fine," Toby shrugs with a smile on her face.

"Great," I clap my hands together with a smile on my face. "Now let's go, traffic sucks here."


This may not be long, but it's kind of a filler.


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