Chapter 33

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{A Few Weeks Later}

I sit on the couch with my new gold MacBook, making sure all of my stuff had synced. Everything looked right, so I go to my online college.

I know I said I had really hoped I had gotten into one of the colleges, but maybe staying here isn't so bad either. I click for today's class, and grab my notebook for notes.

A few minutes later, I'm interrupted with a knock at the door. Sammy is at the studio with Nate for a few more hours, so I wonder who it could be.

I look though the peephole to see Jack Gilinsky? I open the door to see him scrolling through his phone. "Jack?" I ask.

"Oh- uh- hey, Mack," he stutters.

"Hi?" I question. I move to the side a little gesturing for him to come in side. "Need anything to drink?" I ask.

"Um, no," he responds.

"Okay? Is there anything you need to talk about?" I ask.

"Yeah," he says sitting down and his leg starts to bounce up and down. He's nervous. I cautiously take a seat and look at him. He takes a deep breath, "look I know it's probably really random seeing me here, but there is something I need to say-" I cut off his nervous rant.

"Jack, just tell me."

He closes his eyes before saying, "a few months ago Sammy might have cheated on you."

I look at him in disbelief. "Sammy was going to cheat on me?" I ask.

Jack nods his head, "I don't know if he ever did."

I shake my head, "tell me what happened."

"Sam said that he was horny and really needed a girl to fulfill his needs, and you were really depressed at the moment so he knew that you wouldn't help him. So, he texted me asking for a number, I told him it would be cheating but-"

"You still gave him a damn number?" I basically yell.

"Well, yeah.."

"You asshole! You knew just as well as Sammy that I wouldn't have known if he cheated on me, that's how sad I was. And you still have him my number?!"

He just looks down at his hands, "I feel horrible- I just wanted to tell you because I didn't know if Sam ever did, or if he ever to you. I'm sorry."

I just run my hand through my messy hair. "I don't know what to say," I admit.

Jack opens his arms for a hug, which I gladly take and lay my head on his chest. This is when all of my emotions come over me, tears leave my eyes and fall into his black t-shirt.

I pull away quickly and wipe my tears. "Fuck. Sorry, I got tears on your shirt," I say as another one leaves my eye.

"No, it's fine. Come here," he says opening his arms again. I take the chance to feel comforted my someone, and again lay my head on his chest while I cry, a few sobs leaving my mouth.

He rubs my back, and I hug him tighter but quickly release when I hear the front door open. I wipe my eyes and turn around to see Sammy.

"Jack? What's up bro," they do their hand shake thing and Sam asks, "what are you doing here?"

Jacks eyes just kinda gaze down to me and Sammy's eyes follow and when they hit me he quickly hugs me. "Baby, what's wrong?"

"You," I answer. He pulls away and looks at me confusingly.

"What did I do?"

"Wanna tell me the story when you were going to cheat on me? I'd love to hear it," I say sarcastically. He stiffens up and little and scratches the back of his neck. "You asshole! I hate you so much," I say my voice cracking and I grab my laptop and more tears leave my eyes.

Samuel Wilkinson's POV

"Jack! What the hell? Why did you tell her?" I yell pacing around the living room.

"She deserved to know," he shrugs his shoulder.

"But does she deserve this pain she is going through now? No. And she doesn't want me near her so I can't help her. She is going to sit in her room and cry. And I feel a million times worse," I run my hands through my messy hair as my heart breaks of the image of her crying.

It hurt me seeing her tear stained cheeks. "Go home, Jack," I say and point to the door. He obeys and leaves.

This just made my mood a million times worse. I've already been feeling down, and now this? God I'm such a fuck up. Mack doesn't even deserve me. I can feel a tear fall down my cheek and I wipe it grabbing a pillow and blanket. I guess I'm sleeping on the couch tonight.


Only like one or two chapters left lol

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