Chapter 22

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Jack and I gather some wood, and throw is onto the little fire, hoping that would make it get bigger, and warm us up.

Once the fire starts to get a little bigger, Jack and I sit down in camp chairs. The sound of the fire popping is all that we can hear. I sigh, "I don't want to bring this up, but what are we going to do about funerals?"

Jack grabs a stick and pokes the fire, "as much as I hate to say this, but we should wait for dads death. That way we don't have to have two."

I nod my head in agreement. "We should invite the squad over, its really quiet. Do you care?" I ask.

"Nah, I don't mind."

"What's going on with you and Gilinsky?" I ask sitting up a little.

Jack shrugs, "I don't know. He just really hasn't been here for me, and I mean, he's my best friend so I guess that makes me kinda mad. Or he's just a fucktard and doesn't know what emotions are."

I giggle at the last part. "Alright, no Gilinsky."

I set a message to the group saying; "wanna come over? bro and i having a bonfire."

I get a bunch of yeses almost immediately. "Okay, Nate, Toby, Sammy and Emily are coming over," I inform Jack.

I can see a small smile form on Jacks lips when I mention Emily. She makes him very happy, and I don't know if I can thank her enough for that.


Sammy was the first to arrive. "Hey, baby," I say standing up to hug him.

"Hey," he says kissing my forehead. Him and Jack do their bro-hug thing. Sam takes a seat in the chair I was sitting in, and I fake pout.

"I was sitting there."

He chuckles and pats his lap. "Come sit on my lap, you goof."

I smile and sit on his lap sideways, so my head is on his chest. He puts his arm around me and rubs up and down as I close my eyes and listen to his steady heartbeat.

"Hey, don't fall asleep on me now," Sam chuckles and kisses my forehead again. I smile and playfully hit his chest.

"I'm comfy," I mumble into his chest. Sam breathes a laugh, and I soon hear voices of other people. I open my eyes to see Nate, Toby and Emily.

I smile and go hug Toby and Emily. "No love for me?" Nate asks with fake hurt in his voice. I roll my eyes and smile, going over to hug him. "Glad to see you smiling," he whispers in my ear before kissing my cheek.

I smile and pull away, "thanks."

He nods his head, and we all make our way back to the campfire. Emily and Jack sit next to each other by the campfire, while Toby and Nate go to the dock.

I sit back down on Sammy's lap in the position I was in before. It was very comfortable. "Why are you so tired, baby?" Sam asks me.

I shrug my shoulders, "I've been . . . crying a lot, lately."

I was talking slow, for how tired I am. And it's true, I have been crying, and that stuff makes you tired. And, I've been staying up for a bunch of night, without Sam.

There is just something about him that makes me feel so much more safe, and when he's not here I tend to freak out, and not sleep.


Okay so for the setting, let's pretend that they are at their grandparents property not far from their original house, that's on a lake.

And when I say that Mack is sleeping without Sam, is because she is staying at her original house with Jack.

And if you didn't know -Sam and Mack have their own house.

deserve ≫ s.w  // sequel to jjs little sister [completed]Where stories live. Discover now