Chapter 4

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Mackenzie Johnson's POV

Everything is just a big blur. To me, it feels like it's all been a blur for a few minutes.

All I'm constantly seeing is my life on repeat. From when I was born to when I took the blade to my wrists, and when I took the pills.

But, the part that always seems to go slower, to make sure I see, is when me and Jack were together. How happy we were, the both of us.

And then regret somehow shoots through my body. I don't know why, but it does. I regret not telling Jack what was actually happening and what I was actually doing.

But there are these few moments that flash in front of my eyes that confuse me. I think they are my future, and it kind of confuses me.

I sometimes see Jack with another girl, and he looks so happy. But then there is another part where he is with that same girl, and he doesn't look interested in her anymore. He's on his phone, and if I could remember correctly; he was looking through our old messages. Then I saw me and him talking again, he was all smiley and I was telling him something that made him get serious. I couldn't hear anything during this, just left basically watching a silent movie. And then I saw me and Jack together, kissing, and then the next thing I see; I have a child.

It confuses me with the child part, I don't think I would ever have unprotected sex, so I don't know where this beautiful little girl would come from.

But, if this is true I'm afraid that Jack would leave me, making me be an only mother with JJ maybe helping me. I doubt he would, he'd probably hang out with Jack and Sammy instead.

But he's my brother, he wouldn't leave me right? B-

"We've got her!" I was cut out of my thoughts and everything went black. I was for sure I was dead, but apparently not.

This voice sounded like a doctors, and then I hear the heart monitor go from that long ear splitting beeb, to the heart beat. It started out fast, and is slowly became a normal pace.

So I was dead. I was really gone. Jack wasn't going to see me again. JJ wasn't going to see me again. neither was; Sam, Nate, Vanessa, Toby, my parents!

I haven't heard from them in such a long time, who knows how they are doing. "Date, June 29th. time, 1:22 am."

They are talking again, and I hear them writing on paper. Next thing I knew, a pain was in my arm, and I knew they were giving me a shot.

I mentally scrunch my face in pain, as for my body is numb. "Give her at least 30 minutes, then we can check on her again."

The door open and closes, and I just take a moment to think; I really just came back to life.


this update is so late omg kms!!

but in other news; my sister found my cuts on my thighs fml.

ugh okay so like I said earlier; updates are going to be slow on this and I apologize for that.

but I love you all and live free

deserve ≫ s.w  // sequel to jjs little sister [completed]Where stories live. Discover now