Chapter 7

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"You guys came," I smile, as the three enter my room and have huge smiles on their faces, also with tears in their eyes.

JJ was obviously the first to come up and hug me, tightly. "I love you," he whispers in my ear, and I feel the tears on my cheek.

"I love you too."

JJ pulls away, and wipes his tears quickly, before he wipes mine. "I don't think I've ever cried this much in a week," he awkwardly chuckles. I smile.

"Sorry," I say looking down at my hands, for I really do feel sorry. Sorry for making people go through such horrible mental pain. They knew I was dead. For a week. I was dead for a week. Who knows how I managed to come back, but in this reality, I guess I'm glad I did.

"Please don't apologize. It wasn't your fault, you obviously couldn't handle it, and didn't know what else to do," JJ reassures me.

"Yeah, sure. But, I know just as well as you that suicide is never the answer. I should have talked to someone. I shouldn't have kept everything to myself. Look where I end up."

JJ sighs, and Toby speaks, "what has the doctor said?"

"Um, giving me pills for my depression and anorexia, and he said he strongly suggests me to see a therapist. I don't know if I want to."

"As much as I know you wouldn't want to go, I think you should. Just do it for a month, twice a week," JJ suggests.

I think for a minute. This could possibly help me, and plus it's only for a month. "Fine."

JJ slightly smiles, before the doctor walks back in. "We've been doing some more tests, and if you're ready, you are eligible to go home in about 30 minutes."

I look up at JJ, "if you want to."

"If I can, that would be amazing," I say smiling.

The doctor nods his head, again writing stuff down on his clipboard, before leaving. "I love seeing that smile," JJ says.

I smile again, "I'm just happy to see you, and to get out of here. This bed is so uncomfortable."

JJ chuckles, and we all end up just talking about what has happened while I was "dead".


idk if this is short or not bc updating on an iPhone 4, to updating on an iPhone 6 is a pretty big difference.


mack is going home to be home in the next chapter so I hope I don't have to explain that.


deserve ≫ s.w  // sequel to jjs little sister [completed]Where stories live. Discover now