Chapter 11

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I wake up confused, and in my own bed. What happened last night, and what time is it? I look to my side to see my phone is charging. I click the home button to see the time, 12:28.

Wow. Okay, so then what happened last night? Oh. Right, I called Sammy over. God, he is so sweet. That means he put me back in my bed, and charged my phone.

I look at my phone to see I have a text from him.

Sam; Hey, I hope you are feeling better :) call or text me if you ever need to. Or if you just wanna hang out. Lol, okay have a good day

I giglle at his text, and reply.

Me; Actually, wanna hang out today? I have nothing else to do. And thanks for taking me to bed.

Sam; Haha no problem, you fell asleep in my lap so I took you to bed. Want me to come over? We could have a chill movie day?

Me; Yeah, that sounds fine. Let me get dressed decently

I put my phone down and make my way into my bathroom, to take a shower.

After I take my shower, I put on black high wasted shorts, a white flowy belly shirt, and black thigh high socks. I brush my hair and let it flow naturally. I put on my glasses, and make my way into the kitchen to make some popcorn.

I take out my phone first, and text Sam saying he could come over now. I put the popcorn in the microwave and let it cook, while I go into the living room and look for a movie to watch.

As I scroll through, I see Project X. Why not? I press it, and let it sit there while I check on the popcorn. It was done, so I put it into a bowl, and put seasoning on it, before putting it on the coffee table in front of the TV.

I grab some Rockstars, and set them next to the popcorn, and sit down, checking my phone. I see I don't have a text from Sam, but he walks in.

"Hey," he smiles taking a seat next to me. He has sweats and a sweatshirt on, obviously knowing that today was basically going to be lazy.

"Hey," I smile back. I hit play on the movie, and grab the popcorn, putting it into my lap. Sam scoots over, putting his arm around my shoulder.

"What movie?" He asks taking a bite of popcorn.

"Project X."

"Dude, do you know how fun it would be to throw that huge of a party? Holy shit that would be amazing."

I chuckle, "you want your house to catch on fire? You go ahead. Don't know where you'll be living though."

"I'll probably live with you," he smirks.

Something about him saying that had given me the butterflies. Do I like the fact that he said he would live with me? I don't know. "Not with Jack?" I ask.

"Nah, they're to boring," he shrugs.

"And I'm more fun?"

"Yeah," he smiles down at me.

I blush and turn my attention towards the movie. "How is Jack?" I ask.

He takes a minute before answering; "hanging out with Gabby a lot. He doesn't spend much time with us, probably another reason why I'd come here. I mean, I get two friends in one house."

I smile and nod my head, "thanks again for bringing me to bed."

"It was nothing. You needed the sleep, and you are going through a lot, I'm glad I can be here," he says looking down at me and kissing my forehead.

"I'm glad you're here to help Sam," I say and look up at him. For a spilt second, I see his eyes flicker down to my lips and back to my eyes.

I decide to do something, and bring my legs over, so I'm straddling him, and look him in the eyes. "You're really beautiful," he whispers, as I lean my head closer.

I blush, and look away. "Hey," he says, and I look back in his eyes. "Don't let anybody tell you otherwise." He looks back down at my lips, and closes the very small gap between us.

The kiss was slow and passionate, showing love for one another. Not some kiss that was just saying "yes, hi I'm here." No. This one I will defiantly remember.

When we pull away, I have a huge smile on my face, and so does Sammy. I put my forehead on his, and look him in the eyes. "I've missed your lips," he says.

Oh boy, I missed his lips to. How they will always linger in my head. I look him in the eyes, and close the gap. I can't stand his lips, they are so irresistible.

He smiles into the kiss, and I do the same. He pulls away and looks me in the eyes, "can I be honest?" He asks.

I nod my head, telling him to go on. "I want to try and start over with you. I wanna make things right, and treat you the right way, even if it was a day, I should have treated you right." I chuckle a little before nodding.

"I would love to Sam," I say, before kissing his forehead and laying my head on his chest.

"So you're mine again?" He asks, and I can visualize the smile on his face.

"Yeah, I'm yours."

He kisses my forehead, and rubs my back as I hear his steady heartbeat, and the sound of Project X playing in the background. "So now I can tell you that you look hot as fuck in that and it won't be weird?"

I blush and giggle, "yeah, I guess you can."

"Awesome," he says before hugging me. I wonder if it's Sam or the love and affection I'm missing. Hell, it's probably both. Now, I know for a fact, that Sam will try and make me better, happier, healthier, and I can't be more thankful for him.


1018 words without this a/n, be great full. bc wow, I usually don't write that much but hey, it's whatever.

how was that tho?! Ik some of you guys probably wanted her and sammy to get back together and tbh, so did I lol

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