Chapter 12

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Sam stayed the night, and again, I actually got to sleep. I haven't been since I got home from the hospital, I would constantly think of different things, but now that Sam is here; I can sleep better.

"Wanna do something today?" Sam asked, once I woke up. I turned to face him. I laid on top of him.

"Sure. What would we do?" I ask, tracing my finger up and down his arm.

"Just walk around? Call up some friends and just have a good time?" He suggest.

"Yeah, that sounds fun," I say sitting up, so I'm straddling him.

"You look really hot right now," he bites his lip. I roll my eyes before leaning in and giving him a quick peck on the lips and getting out of bed.

I grab a lace shirt and a white tank top to put under it. I get light high wasted shorts, and a thin brown belt. I put that all on, not really caring if Sam was right there.

"Can't you keep it all off?" Sam groans.

I giggle, and put on my clothes. I walk into the bathroom, and turn on my hair curler. I lightly curled my hair. I put on some mascara and eyeliner, before spraying my perfume. I put on my low cut white converse.

"Do we need to stop by your house and get you clothes?" I ask grabbing my phone.

"Can we?" He asks, sitting up and stretching.

"Yeah, I'll drive. Lets go."


We get to Sam's house, and I follow him up to his bedroom. "Want me to call some friends?" I ask laying down on his bed and pulling out my phone.

"Yeah, I'm going to go take a shower," he says grabbing a towel and walking into his bathroom.

I pull out my phone and make a group chat.

To Omaha Squad af;
who wants to walk around with Sam and I? might go to the fair that's going on.

From Toby👯👻;
Yessss!! When should we leave?

From Skathan😤🍁;
I'm down. Dress in something sexy babe;)

To Omaha Squad af;

From BigBro Johnson👫🙇🏼;
Haha I'll come, can I bring Emily?

To Omaha Squad af;
Yess you can broo

From Toby👯👻;
Omg Nate wtf not in a group chat holy shit

From Gilinsky😔🔪💊;
Yeah, Gabby is gonna come, is that cool?

To Omaha Squad af;
yeah. that's fine if she comes, i don't mind! (:

From BabyBoy💞😇;

I sigh, Sam always knows when something is up. I go to me and Sam's messages, so the rest of the guys and Toby won't see it.

To BabyBoy💞😇;
I'm fine.

From BabyBoy💞😇;
I know you're not. Please, just ignore him, he obviously doesn't deserve your attention if he won't give it to you.

The text makes my heart flutter knowing he is trying to make me happy, and realize that Jack isn't good for me. And he never will be.


I was planning on Mack sometime in the story going back to Jack, but what if she just stays with Sam?

Let me know what you guys think lol it would help me

deserve ≫ s.w  // sequel to jjs little sister [completed]Where stories live. Discover now