Chapter 21

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I sit in the back, while Sam is driving and Jack is in the passenger seat. I actually enjoy looking out the window, instead of having someone next to me. I look at my Polaroid, I've been getting back into my photography lately.

When I'm at home, and sitting in my room, I find myself taking pictures to pass the time. I've saved a few pictures, and in a few weeks I think I'm going to apply for colleges.

I think I would want to go to Seattle. (A/N; hmu if you're from Seattle, or Washington BC same) I've seen a few pictures, and the place is honestly so beautiful.

The Space Needle is a main attraction, and I would love to go into it. I've also seen that they have a Ferris Wheel, and that it happens to be bigger than the one in Disney Land.

"Mack," Jack says knocking me out of my thoughts. I look up and notice we're at the hospital. Here we go..


Us three walk into my fathers room, and sadly he looks horrible. I knew he was going to look bad, but I didn't expect this. Tears well in my eyes and I put my hand over my mouth.

Sammy hugs me from behind, and Jack makes the first step towards his bed. "H-hey, dad."

Jacks voice cracks, and my heart drops to my stomach. This is a lot to take in, and Jack almost crying is making it hard for me to stay strong.

I lightly remove Sammy's arms from my waist and go over to a different angle to get a few pictures of Jack and my dad. I knew I would take more then one, I would keep a few and send in one.

"How ya feeling?" Jack tries to start a conversation but I know in reality he doesn't want to be here, seeing his dad basically half dead.

My dad awkwardly chuckles, "I feel fine."

We all just kinda nod our heads. I kinda want to talk to my dad about the whole college thing, alone. But I know that I will have to wait until the boys are gone.

"How long?" Jack asks, avoiding eye contact.

"Only a few months," my dad replies with a low voice. I get a little angry at the fact that they knew for most likely over a month and didn't tell us.

Like, hello? We're your children, you can't keep a secret like that from us. "D-do you know how much longer you have?" Jack asks.

I don't know if I'm capable of any questions, for ill probably let the little anger that is in me, get the best of me. "The doctors have been saying seven months."

Seven months?

"Did they say anything about a cure?" I ask sitting up. At least my anger isn't coming out.

"They have talked about it, but don't know if they have found one."

I look down at my Polaroid, and decide to take a few more pictures. Seven months left to live may seem like a lot, but in reality it isn't that much.

Sadly, I know on a few of Jack and I's "sibling day," we are going to have to talk about funerals. We all hate them, but I'm not going to let my parents die, and not let them not have some tips of redemption.

After about 25 minutes, the boys left and I took a seat next to my dad. "Dad, I'm thinking about going to college.." I say, drifting off a little at the end.

He looks up at me, huge smile on his face, "that's amazing! Do it! Pursue your dream, darling."


How was that? 😌

And next chapter, will be a few days later and be one of Mack and Jacks sibling days.

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