Chapter 15

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Troye's POV:

        I yawned as I raked my hand through my hair, tiredly fluttering my eyes back open again. It wasn't very, late, only about four in the afternoon, but I had been lying on my bed just staring at my phone screen for so long that it seemed as though it could have been midnight. Now that I thought about it, it was about two in the morning and he would probably want to hang up soon.

        "Are you tired?" I asked him and his head flicked up from the jigsaw puzzle he was doing. Earlier we had created a conversation topic about puzzles and he acted young and--you know what that's not important right now. He gave me a soft side smile that had my heart lurching at how cute it was.

        "Just a bit." He replied with mirth in his yes, although I wasn't quite sure why. I quirked my eyebrows and bit my lip. Maybe I was being annoying by keeping him up so late.

        " you want to sleep?" I suggested. He gazed at me with a hidden question for a moment before answering.

        "Instead of spending time with you?" He replied with a sappy tone. The next statement he said though was completely serious. "No." And then he was working on his puzzle again. I was at a loss for words, trying to come up with something even mildly intelligent to say, until he connected the last piece of his puzzle and yelped out in delight! "I did it!" He cheered childishly. I grinned at how kiddish he was and rolled my eyes.        

        "Good job Tilly. What picture did it make?" I wondered and he furrowed his brows, examining it for a minute.

        "A hamster." He replied and sucked in his cheeks a little. "I don't want a hamster." He stated, sighing out in disappointment and I chuckled.

        "You sound delirious." I couldn't deny him though, hamsters were so small and you couldn't do much with them. The only people I knew in highschool who still had hamsters were Dan and Phil. "Are you SURE you don't want to sleep"--

        "TroyeSivan!" Tyler interrupted, glaring at me. "Shut up. What do you want to do now?" I hummed in thought, glancing around the room as if any minute something was going to pop up that gave me an idea for something fun. I pouted.

        "I want to eat candy." I informed and he scoffed at me.

        "Come down to America you little shit." He replied as he unwrapped a sour candy and tossed it into his mouth. I narrowed my eyes at his teasing.

        "Don't you think you've had enough candy for one day?" I spat. I meant to make it teasing, of course. If I were him with that much left over candy, it probably would  be gone in five minutes. I could tell something changed in his mood after I said that though. He wouldn't make eye contact with the camera and quickly but the bowl down, instantly looking gloomier.

        "You're probably right..." He whispered as he gazed somewhere off camera. Suddenly, my thoughts clicked into place and I realized his change. I think I'm a little...pudgier than I need to be...he said that in one of his letters to me. I must have totally altered his thoughts to immediately think of his low self esteem. I opened my mouth quickly but no words came out. My lips just opened and closed multiple times until a strangled whimper came out. He looked up at me confused, laughter etched onto his face. I just wanted to make him feel better but I couldn't think of a word to say. "You okay Troye-Boy?" 

        "I...yeah I'm...I just want to make sure you're okay?" I meant to just say it but it came out as a question. He didn't look confused, like I expected him to me, if anything he just seemed more morose. He bit his lip and started tracing worthless patterns into the counter.

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