Chapter 55

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*Smut warning* (First time writing smut so uhhh don't judge me k? Ill also post a warning right before it starts so don't skip over this chapter!)

A-N: The picture is important later

ALSO: it took me until 2973 words into this chapter for me to realize this chapter has so much sexual tension, I'm laughing. Alright have fun you nerds.

Tyler's POV: ~~March 12th, the day after they came out to their moms~~

       "Baby..." I heard someone whisper and felt a pair of lips brush my cheek. "Wake up please." I knew it was Troye, but I decided to be a stubborn ass this morning. "Gorgeous, wake up for me..." He continued to plead in a hushed tone. He pressed soft but firm kisses down my jaw line and to my lips. "I know you're awake you moron..." He whispered. "So please get up...I...I have plans for today." Instantly I was reminded about how he had surprise plans for today. I groaned a little and pouted out my bottom lip, hoping to get a kiss. Fortunately, he understood, and pressed his lips onto mine. I was surprised when Troye didn't tease me as I deepened the kiss. Usually he would be complaining loudly for me to get up and he would try to dominate the kiss. He pulled back after a few seconds and gave me a soft smile as our eyes met. "Good morning love." He whispered sweetly, stroking a hand lightly through my hair.

       "Good morning." I replied quietly, a questioning lilt to my words. "You're being very lovey." I pointed out and the corner of his mouth quirked up into a smile.

       "I know. It's because today's special." He mentioned, resting on his elbows, which were on either side of my face, so we were as close as we could be while he continued talking.

       "Is it?" I wondered, feeling slightly guilty. What if it was like our one week anniversary and he was really sentimental about stuff like that? Fuck. 

       "Mhhmm..." He hummed, placing another tender kiss on my cheek. "Today we're celebrating your birthday. Early, that is." He explained and I could feel my face light up at the idea. I then started to feel a little sheepish since he saw my reaction and how excited I really was.

       "My birthday's not for another ten days. You don't have to celebrate or anything." I muttered and he shook his head with an adoring smile. 

       "I don't care. I want too. We might not be with each other on your actual birthday, but we're together now. We're taking advantage of that." He smiled and then bit his lip as though in though. "Today's about you." He mentioned, brushing his thumb across my cheekbone. I felt a bashful smile spread on my face as he leaned down to brush our lips together. I twirled his hair in between my fingers and shook my head at how slow he was being, which evidently caused our noses to rub together. 

       "Kiss me, Sivan." I whispered and he gladly obliged. I started kissing back, but also moved to sit up. He was technically now sitting on my thighs, and I wrapped my arms around his waist so he wouldn't be uncomfortable. He held onto my shoulders and began to press light kisses to my lips. 

       "Everyone's waiting." He reminded between kisses. 

       "We have good excuses." I mumbled against his lips and he chuckled, pressing one more kiss to my mouth.

       "Tilly." He whispered and moved back so he was sitting on the bed now, holding my hands. "Let's go. Get dressed and meet us in the living room!" He exclaimed with excitement, hurrying out of the room. I let out a sigh and crossed my arms. There was going to come a day where he'd wake me up and we'd kiss and no matter what he said, I wouldn't let him leave the room until I've had my fair share of kisses. 

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