Chapter 79

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I made a new cover for this story, do you like it? 

Ps. Smut warning 

Oh and there's an IMPORTANT announcement in the AN

Troye's POV: ~~1 Month Later~~

       "In total darkness I, I reach out and touch..." The music filtered through the speakers in our apartment and everyone cheered loudly, some even drunkenly. My EP wasn't even close to done yet, but my manager allowed me to play the rough copies of some of the songs to my friends. We were having yet another celebration party, all thanks to Tyler, but this was kind of a celebration for everyone.

       I felt someone grab my elbow and I turned to find Tyler grinning at me. I didn't even have a second to smile before his lips were on mine. I giggled into the kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck, trying to keep my bottle of beer away from him. 

       "These songs are incredible Troye." He mumbled against my lips, pure pride pouring through his tone.

       "Thanks Tilly." Another song began to boom around us and I smiled, glancing from person to person. Some were dancing stupidly, others were laughing at Sawyer trying to chug his drink, and some were just standing around talking. One of the ones laughing at Sawyer was Connor.

       A year ago I would never have thought I'd be in a relationship with my pen pal who also was slowly becoming best friends with my ex. I'm not kidding when I say best friends. Connor had an extra ticket to a One Direction concert because I had to bail on him (shit) for my job and after being rejected numerous times, he finally asked Tyler. Tyler was hesitant at first, rambling to me about how awkward it would be until finally he just said yes.

       The next morning he came back to the apartment with 8 funny stories and invited me to go to a party with them the night after. They invited me. I swear to god I spent half an hour laughing my ass off until I agreed to go. 

       Suddenly, the music faded into a slow song and a grin spread across my features. I held my hand out for Tyler and he rolled his eyes at me, laughing loudly.

       "May I have this dance Tilly?" I asked, setting my beer down. He sighed loudly, as though exasperated.

        "I mean, I guess." As I pulled him closer to me, I hit his arm at his response. He chuckled and I wrapped an arm around his waist, using the other to hold his hand. His free hand was on my shoulder and he waited a second before his eyes met mine. I leaned down and left a quick kiss on his nose, which he scrunched up right after.

       "You're cute." I muttered and even in the dim lighting I could see his blush. He leaned forward and rested his head on my chest, pulling me closer to him. I buried my face in his hair as we stepped lightly side to side, just enjoying each others existence. I watched as a few people around us began to slow dance together too, and felt the corners of my lips lift when I noticed Korey was dancing with Connor. They'd make a cute couple. 

       I pressed a kiss to Tyler's head before closing my eyes.

~~~ *Italian accent: Smut warning, eh?*

       It was just before midnight when everyone else left and Tyler was climbing into bed, reading a book with the bedside lamp on. He did this every night before we slept, to kill time while I was getting ready for bed myself. As I began to brush my teeth and stare in the mirror, my eyes landed on the reflection of Tyler in bed in the other room. I smiled and shook my head before my eyes landed on the book he was reading.

       It was the scrapbook of all of our letters.

       Occasionally Tyler would tease me for how much of an asshole I thought he was with the first letter. I mean, I used to hate the guy. However, I thought he'd be a safe haven for my thoughts, and I guess I wasn't wrong about that. I'm pretty sure Tyler knew exactly what I was thinking before I did.

Letters To You (A Troyler AU)Where stories live. Discover now