Chapter 78

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Heads up: I don't want to disappoint you guys while you're reading this chapter, no one proposes in this chapterXD They haven't been dating for long and etc reasons so just wanted to tell you ahead of time in case your thoughts drift that way

Troye's POV:

       "Baby pleeeaaasseee." Tyler whined as I began my upload of my tenth video on the channel. I've recently reached 200,000 subscribers on the channel and Tyler wanted to take me out to celebrate, but I kept telling him no. 

       It's not that I didn't appreciate what he wanted to do for me, I just felt a little, well...bashful. I wasn't really doing anything special. All I did was upload two singing videos of me every week and wait for feedback. It was me doing a hobby and sharing it with others, I didn't deserve a special dinner for that.

       "Ty, I've told you, this is nothing to celebrate." I replied, putting the computer away before hurrying into the kitchen to grab a beer, courtesy of Sawyer.

       "Troye please? Why won't you just let me do something nice for you?" He asked, and I glanced at him before realizing he wasn't mad, just frustrated. I shrugged and peered down to my beer can.

       "I don't see a point in celebrating this, that's all." I replied and his mouth gaped open at me in shock, as though ridiculousness. 

       "Babe. People are in love with your singing! You're super successful, I mean besides the fact that you're following your dreams you make nearly $400 each video and you're proving all those school's and companies wrong! Please?" He pleaded desperately, tugging at his hair. I stared at him for another few seconds, taking in his words. I mean, I guess that was kind of cool. I shrugged again and bit my lip, letting out a sigh.

       "I mean...if you want." I mumbled and he let out a high pitched squeal, throwing his arms around my neck and pecking my lips repeatedly. 

       "I love you, I love you, I love you." He muttered eagerly, grinning widely. I rolled my eyes and nodded my head.

       "Yeah, yeah." I responded, unable to bite back a smile. "I need to take a shower then and you can take one with me as long as you PROMISE no sex. We don't have time." I reminded and he pouted.

       "Fine." He grumbled.


       I watched as the water droplets cascaded down Tyler's back, creating glistening dots on his skin and only made him more beautiful. I bit my lip and stepped forward, wrapping my arms around his waist from behind just to hear his breath hitch.

       "Troye...?" He drawled out with a questioning tone. "Um w-what are you doing?" He wondered and I giggled.

       "Enjoying my beautiful boyfriend." I replied and he gasped when I pressed my lips to his shoulder.

       "I thought you said no sex?" He stated, but it came out more as a question.

       "I did. I plan to follow through with no-sex. I just can't help but notice how goddamn beautiful you are." My voice turned hushed and I kissed his shoulder again, causing him to shiver.

       "Troye Sivan, step back before I decide we aren't going to dinner at all." He hissed and I grinned, stepping forward. He gasped again and crossed his arms. "Nevermind. I'll make us stay out all night." I growled and stepped back, turning the shower off.

       "You're mean." I mumbled and he rolled his eyes.

       "I could say the same about you."

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