Chapter 45

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A-N: Ps since they are leaving on the third, it's like a 20 hr flight but then I realized if they left at 5 am on March 3rd, they'd get to Brighton at 5pm March third because of time difference. IN THIS FIC though we're going to pretend they get there at 12am March 4th because that's just a normal 20 hrs. Shut up if I'm wrong. I'm tired lol

Kind of a filler?

Troye's POV:

"TILLY TILLY TILLY!!!" I shouted loudly as I slapped my hands multiple times on his bare chest. "WAAAAAKE UP!" I yelled and he started grumbling under his breath.

"Troye...I'll fubbing slab you..." He mumbled and although I knew what he was saying, I decided teasing him would be the easiest way to wake him up.

"Is that a new position I should be aware of?" I questioned innocently and his eyes shot open quickly. He pushed my shoulder hard so I rolled over to the other side of the bed and he sat up.

"I hate you." He mumbled but I decided to brush it aside, inside watching how adorable he was when he rubbed his eyes.

"Come on Tyler, the plane leaves in an hour. We have to get going!" I urged, actually getting pretty desperate now. My parents would be irritated if we were running late, especially my mom. He groaned again but actually started to get out of bed.

"Do I have to shower?" He mumbled and I bit my lip to stifle my laughter at his cute tired state.

"No, I'm not at least. Just put on some deodorant, throw on a shirt, you'll be good to go." I slapped his shoulder a little after I stood up next to him and walked to my dresser. Sitting on top of it were my traveling clothes. It wasn't much, just a new pair of light gray sweats and a dark blue t-shirt. I then walked into the bathroom again and slipped my pants off, pulling on my new outfit. I took the comb that sat next to the seat and ran it through my hair. I wasn't doing anything with it this morning, just brushing it down a little so it sat in curls on my forehead. I took one final glance in the mirror before turning around and knocking on the bathroom door. "Decent?" I called out and heard a hum in reply. I opened the door and quickly looked Tyler up and down.

He as wearing mint sweatpants and white t-shirt, along with a mint colored beanie that went nicely with his light blonde hair. I turned around to my desk and gazed at the contents on it, trying to make sure I wasn't leaving anything behind. I almost gasped when I realized what I was about to forget. I took the familiar chain and pulled it around my neck, like I did every morning. It was the one that Tyler and I had matching, from the night of the park. I turned around again and froze, hands still on my neck when I noticed that Tyler was doing the exact same thing.

We both stared at each other with wide eyes before slowly moving our arms down. I gave him a soft smile and he reciprocated the gesture. The thought of jewelry made another memory pop in my head, so I furtively glanced down to his wrist. I bit my lip and smiled when I saw the small dream catcher bracelet wrapped around his arm. I then noticed he had started blushing like mad.

"I love it." I muttered and then reached forward, lacing his fingers through mine. "Come on now." I grabbed my suitcase with my free hand, and Tyler did the same with his. We hurriedly made our way down the stairs, trying our best to drag our suitcases with us and not let go of each other's hand. After sort-of successfully stumbling down the stairs, we made it to the front door.

"Are you two finally ready?" My dad asked with an exasperated tone, but I could see the sparkle in his eyes when he glanced down at our hands.

"Yes dad." I replied in a monotone and he chuckled.

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