Chapter 43

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A-N: The picture above has all my notes for their trip. As you can tell, it's pretty busy. Each chapter will be each day of the trip. Chapter 49 is my favorite. Okay. Read.

Troye's POV: ~~March 1st~~

Time goes too slow when you're waiting for something, anything amazing to happen. This feeling fills your stomach for days that feel like months and then when the day finally comes it feels like something explodes inside of you.

That's why when I woke up the morning of March first, I couldn't stay in bed, watch YouTube, or even go on Tumblr because my nerves were going crazy. I'm pretty sure everyone could tell. Sage pretty much locked herself in her room so she wouldn't have to stand me anymore, Tyde put his headphones on full blast and my parents were straight up ignoring me. So...I guess I was being a little obnoxious.

I couldn't help it though! I really couldn't. Tyler was arriving this afternoon at the airport, so my family can meet him a few days before the trip. I was really hoping it wasn't awkward though. Jackie was coming along with him and we only had one bed in the guest room, so Tyler would be sharing my room with me. I was perfectly fine with that, I was just worried about my mom. Sure, she was more accepting now, but you don't go from homophobic queen to rainbow ally in just a few days. I tried desperately not to care though.

"Sage! Sage!!!" I shouted and a second later I heard footsteps that sounded like a monster's coming down the hall.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT?" She yelled as she stormed into my room. I gestured to my closet with both arms.

"I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TO WEAR TONIGHT! I want to look good but not like I tried too hard to impress him, but I also want it to be something his mom would like me in and"-I began to ramble until she stepped in front of me to look in my closet.

"Here!" She replied gruffly, throwing a maroon button down at me and black jeans. "Wear that and you should be fine. Now please kindly shut the fuck up and obsess about your boyfriend to your boyfriend instead of your younger siblings who have never even met the guy!" She exclaimed, and I guess I should have gotten hurt but there was only one thing I could focus on.

"He's not my boyfriend"-I started to say, but she slammed the door in my face. I shrugged it off, fuck her. I tore of the pajamas I wore from last night and pulled on the articles of clothing Sage had handed me. I looked into the mirror and sighed. Hair up in a quiff or curling down onto my forehead? He did like my curls and it would make it look like I didn't work too hard, but maybe it'd also seem like I was lazy. Up it goes. I ran my hands through my hair with hair products and other shit, taking a good fifteen minutes before I was satisfied with how I looked. I then turned around to examine my spotless room. I swear it had never been this clean before. Everything was put where it was supposed to be, anything I strongly didn't want him to find was tucked away somewhere, and earlier I had basically scrubbed everything raw with baby wipes.

I turned quickly as I heard my phone buzz from where I left it on my desk. I picked it up quickly and grinned as I read the name on my screen.

Tilly: At an airport, about to board another plane. This flight should only last an hour. See you soon xx

The nerves started jumping around inside of my again and I actually had to bite my lip to hold back my excitement.

"Dad!" I shouted loudly, and started stumbling down the stairs and into the living room. "An hour till they arrive! We need to leave in like forty minutes!" I informed and he chuckled.

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