Chapter 47

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Tyler's POV:

As soon as my eyes fluttered open, I started reaching out blindly to wake Troye up along with me. I started pouting immediately when all I found was an empty bed. I moved to lay on my back and strained my hearing until I picked up voices coming from the small kitchen.

"Troooooyyyyyeeeeee." I yelled, and the conversations stopped for a few seconds before they began again. "TROYESIVAN!" I shouted louder, but once again was greeted with nothing. "TROYETROYETROYE"—I yelled on repeat until finally the bedroom door flew open.

"What the hell do you want Tyler?!" He shouted as he walked in. He was wearing a robe over his pajamas and his hair was all messy. I couldn't tell if it was cute or sexy. Once I met his annoyed gaze again, I gave him a soft smile.

"I just wanted to know what time it was." I muttered sheepishly and he rolled his eyes.

"It's time for you to get your ass out of bed, come on." He mumbled and walked back out. I didn't take his pissy attitude to heart, he never really was a morning person. I chuckled minimally before throwing my legs off the bed and standing up. I grabbed my own robe (well, really it was the hotel's) and then hurried out of the room. Everyone was basically hovering around the kitchen, some eating, some not. Zoe and Alfie were both sitting on the barstools by the counter, while Dan and Phil were actually sitting on the counter across from them. Troye was just standing up, leaning against the closed refrigerator.

"Finally you're up." Zoe called out and I rolled my eyes, moving to stand with Troye. I leaned my back on his chest so he lazily wrapped his arms around me. He then rested his chin on my shoulder and took to whispering in my ear.

"Morning sleeping beauty." He muttered and and I sighed.

"Were you supposed to be teasing me or something?" I wondered just as quietly as he did, turning my head just slightly so we could both look at each other. He quickly took his chin off my shoulder so it was easier for us to see each other.

"More or less." He replied and I smirked, shrugging slightly as I looked forward again.

"Well I don't really care. You basically just called me beautiful." I whispered, my smirk threatening to break into a laugh. After he didn't say anything for a few moments, I just assumed I teased him so much that I rendered him speechless. Oh how the tables turned. I bit my lip as I tried to get into whatever conversation Zoella and Dan were talking about, before Troye whispered in my ear again.

"I know I did." I felt a blush paint and cheeks as I looked to the floor. I nearly scoffed once I glanced at Troye and realized he was innocently trying to be a part of their conversation now, completely ignoring how bashful he left me. There he goes again, completely confusing me and messing up my feelings.

"Troylerrrrrr? Are you even listening?" Zoe exclaimed and my head shot up. I furrowed my eyebrows and she let out a loud sigh. "Are you both really so lovestruck that you can't spend a second without thinking about each other?" She asked, but her tone was completely like and teasing. I plastered a smile onto my face and shook my head.

"Nope. Just me!" I responded and she rolled her eyes.

"Dan, Phil, Alfie, and I were just wondering if you'd like to walk around Brighton for a bit. We'd go downtown, hang out for a while, and then decide what to do from there. Sound good?" She wondered and I nodded my head. "Alright then let's start getting ready!" Zoe ran back into her room while Alfie sat on the couch watching TV (waiting for her to get out of the shower). Dan and Phil both went into their bedroom and a few minutes later I heard the shower running. So with that, I stepped forward so Troye could walk to, and we both made it back to our bedroom.

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