Chapter 58

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Um this chapter was complete crap. But hey I decided when I'm making them lose their virginitys so that's cool

Ps this is dedicated to the lovely Cyan moaningtroyler because ya know their birthday and everything haha GIVE THEM LOVE AND FOLLOW THEM ON TWITTER IF YOU DON'T BECAUSE YOU DONT WANT TO BE A KNUCKLEBUTT

Troye's POV: ~~March 14th~~

       "That sounds SO romantic!" Zoe squealed after we retold the story of our date. 

       "Yeah it really was..." I mumbled as I looked over at Tyler with a, probably lovestruck, smile. He looked back at me and reciprocated the smile. Ever since the date, Tyler and I have been a lot more lovey to each other. He woke up early to make me breakfast in bed, we only gave soft kisses, and after breakfast we immediately sat on the living room couch to cuddle while the others slowly woke up. Maybe it was because I said I love you to him the other night or maybe it was because we were parting ways soon, but I welcomed the new nature with open arms. I wrapped my arm around his waist and pulled him closer to me, kissing the side of his head. "I love you." I whispered, letting my lips brush against his ear. He closed his eyes and fit his head in the crook of my neck.

       "I love you too." He whispered into the skin of my neck. I smiled and buried my nose in his hair.

       "Do we have any plans today?" Dan asked, sitting next to Phil on the floor.

       "Zoe and I don't." Alfie answered and I nodded along.

       "It'd be nice if we could all just hang out today, since we're leaving soon." I added and I felt Tyler nodded on my shoulder.

       "Should we invite your moms over?" Phil asked politely and Dan shot up from his cuddling position.

       "Oh my god can we?!" He exclaimed and I raised my eyebrows. 

       "What the"--I began but Alfie cut me off.

       "Seriously, can we invite them?!" By now, even Tyler was sitting up and staring at them in confusion.

       "I don't understand..." He muttered and I giggled.

       "Um, what?" I asked them.

       "Your moms are awesome!" Phil replied and I gave an unbelieving laugh. "We aren't joking!" Finally I looked to Zoe for clarification and she rolled her eyes.

       "We all went out while you were on your date and they shared basically every story they remember about them in high school and college, not to mention they bought each of the boys something they wanted. I swear they are such children." She explained, but then looked to Alfie with an adoring tone. I shook my head and smirked.

       "Alright, call them in." I gave in and I heard Tyler sigh. I turned to face him and realized he was pouting his bottom lip out. I reached up and poked it with my finger, giving him a small smile. "Don't worry babe, this will be fun." I persuaded and leaned in, placing a small kiss on his lips. He grinned into the kiss so I was forced to move back a little, resting my forehead against his.

       "Upload it to Facebook." I heard a voice whisper and I furrowed my eyebrows, sitting back in my seat to find that Jackie and my mom were already in the living room. I raised an eyebrow when I saw them both looking at Jackie's phone. 

       "What are you two up to?" I asked curiously and they both looked up, meeting my eyes guiltily. 

       "Not uploading a picture of you cuddling like that to Facebook or anything." My mom replied and my jaw dropped.

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