Chapter 27

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A-N: Ay please check out the AN on my last chapter:) I need answers

Troye's POV: ~~3 days later (aka the 28th)~~

       "Oh my gosh Troye, you're my best friend but you can be SUCH an idiot sometimes!" Tyler exclaimed through laughter as I huffed out another sigh and pouted.

        "Just help me Tilly!" I replied, getting a bit irritated with the fact I couldn't get the stupid Harry Styles tattoo to stick onto my arm. Tyler and I woke up at the same time today, something that has yet to happen, and we were both at a loss for what to do. We ate breakfast, like usual, went on Tumblr, like usual, but then we both admitted to being bored of watching movies, so we decided to scavenge through his small and dusty garage, until we found impermanent One Direction, Disney, Alphabet, and Hello Kitty tattoos. Tyler insisted we had to do it and although I argued against it, here we were with our arms covered in tattoos.

        "You have to peel the fucking clear part off." Tyler laughed and I rolled my eyes. He swatted at the back of my head and I groaned, until I felt something cold on my arm. I looked down and realized he was pressing a wet towel to my arm, the tattoo supposedly under it. He waved the clear strip in front of my face and I stuck my tongue out.

        "You're a jerk." I muttered and he flashed me a grin, then like the little bitch he is, he took the towel off and tossed it onto my head. "TYLER!" I yelled in anger, but felt a smile creep up onto my face as I lifted the towel off and found him giving me a guilty smile. 

        "Just look at the tattoo..." He muttered bashedly. I sighed as I looked down but all annoyance left the second my eyes landed on the perfect heart with Harry Styles face planted in it.

        "That's it, you're doing the rest of mine." I demanded as I tossed him all the packets of tattoos. His jaw dropped and he threw them back.

        "No way! Don't be a lazy ass!" He responded and I pouted again.

        "But Tillyyyyy!" I whined and he rolled his eyes. A sly smirk came across his features though and I instantly regretted everything I have ever said to him. He could literally find a way to use anything against me.

        "Mkay babe." He replied cheerfully, too cheerful compared to his attitude a second ago. "Look away." He said after a second and I scoffed.

        "Yeah right"--

        "Pleeeease! TroyeTroyeTroyeTroye please please please"-- He rambled on, poking my cheek endlessly. I just crossed my arms and shook my head.

        "No way in hell." He instantly shut up but a look came across his face. He just seemed so disappointed. As though me looking away meant everything to him. I held on to my resistance for a few seconds longer before giving in, looking the other way and sticking my arm out to him. "Don't make it too bad." I pleaded and he just giggled in reply. I felt the cold towel return to my skin and I could hear Tyler muttering numbers under his breath, counting off the seconds until he could show it to me. "I swear if you put the Hell Kitty's entire family on my arm, I'm going to stick Cinderella up your"--

        "Stop being so pessimistic! Here, you can look now." He finally agreed and I tugged my arm away from him hastily. I prepared myself for the worst as I lifted my arm up to my face, but felt everything slow down as I finally read what it said.

        T + T

        I gulped hard and couldn't tear my eyes away from the two letters. It was small, and probably wasn't much to him, but for some reason it just felt so special to me. 

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