Chapter 23

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(A-N: I know this is supposed to be realistic but here's the thing: If you leave Australia at 5:30 am ond December 22 apparently you get to Michigan at 4:30 pm December 21st. That messed up my timing so just pretend that when they get to Michigan, it's december 22 PLEASE)

Tyler's POV:

        "Their plane is landing Alfie!" I yelled at him as we rushed into the airport. I thought I was vain with how long I usually took on my hair and clothes, but somehow I was proven wrong. You'd never think Alfie would take so much time to put his looks together, but apparently when Zoe was arriving, he had to make us almost late.

        Well, I guess I couldn't really blame him. I spent a whole two hours on my appearence (besides taking a shower), when usually it took thirty minutes or less. I was just too careful today, I couldn't mess anything up with Troye. I didn't want him to think I was too perky or clingy in person, even though I was. I was always crazy worried over another thing...something I knew I shouldn't be worried weight. I had gotten so much hate in the past over it, what if he saw me in person and was disgusted by me? I tried choosing a shirt that made me look good but still...

        I was abruptly ripped away from my thoughts when Alfie tugged on my arm.

        "Okay so I didn't want to tell you this until I got here, but my aunt works at this airport and she found a way to secretly sneak us past the security and to their gate without getting caught." He explained and my jaw dropped.

        "Alfie! We are not breaking the law!" I whisper-hissed and he chuckled.

        "Ease up a bit, if anyone get's in trouble, it'll be my aunt." He said nonchalantly. Right because that makes this whole situation so much better. Still, I let him pull me along to this lady in the usual flight attendant gear. Because of legal situations, I can't say exactly how we got past, but five minutes later, we were standing in front of the expected gate number. I started biting my lip and I could not take my eyes away from the doors. I had to take a look at him the second I could.

        I adjusted my shirt again, trying to place it in an angle where you couldn't really see the lining of my stomach fat, and then raked my hand through my light blue hair. Then, it happened. The gate opened. I stumbled back a little and Alfie looked at my questioningly. I minisculely shook my head, a silent attempt to wave off my weird nervous antics. He seemed to understand, because just a moment later, we were both staring at the people flooding out of the gate.

        "D-Do they know we're right here instead of at baggage claim?" I wondered and he smirked.

        "No not really. That'll just make it better though." He replied and I nodded, still anxious.

        "What if they don't notice us?" I continued to worry and he rolled his eyes.

        "Calm down Ty, Troye will love you." He insisted, even though it had nothing to do with what I said. It did calm me down a little, so I guess I had been thinking it and was easy to read. I only stopped looking at Alfie after what he said when I noticed a blur rushing out of the corner of my eye. I jumped back the second I heard Alfie's name being squealed and something fill his arms. I realized then that it was a girl, Zoe, he was holding and whispering sweet nothing greetings to. Wait. Zoe.

        That made me realize then who must have come out of the airplane with her. I turned and glanced around the room before my eyes fell on the one and only, Troye Mellet. A scowl violated my features when I saw that his eyes were glued to his phone. Then I remembered how he didn't know we were meeting him at the gate, so I took my phone out.

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