Chapter 66

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Troye's POV:

       I rushed around trying to catch my breath as I hurried to my spot of the line. Damn, you'd think the one day I don't wake up late is graduation. Well, you're wrong. I desperately tried to fix the cerulean colored cap on my head, pushing the light and dark blue tassle to the right side. I took a deep breath as I slowed down directly behind Phil. We were so lucky to be seated alphabetically by last names. Well, I was. I'm not so sure how happy Phil was to be separated from Dan. If he was upset he wasn't showing it though. 

       "Troye!" He exclaimed in glee and wrapped me in a quick hug, which I swiftly reciprocated. That's what everyone was doing today, hugging no matter how close they were. Fuck, I even hugged Cameron when I saw him! Graduation goggles I swear. 

       "You ready?" I questioned and he took a deep breath.

       "I mean...yeah. This is my chance to really start a life, you know? And with Dan by my side..." He shook his head while staring off into space as though imagining their future together, and a genuine smile splayed across my features.

       "Yeah...I get it." I muttered. He sent me a knowing look and I chuckled, biting down on my lip. I already informed all my friends about my plan so far. They were all excited and my dad helped me get ready last night. 

       "Oh! They've started." He muttered anxiously, looking straight ahead of him. I waited somewhat patiently in line until we walked out into the grand room and took our seats. Like the child I was, I glanced around the audience surrounding us (since we were basically in an indoor stadium) and searched for my family. I grinned when I saw my mom, dad, Sage, and Tyde in the crowd--my dad holding an awkwardly large video camera. My chest felt like it was pinched a little when I was reminded why Steele wasn't there, and the fact that he couldn't be there for my graduation. I know he's tried reaching out to me over social media, but my mom has refused me to reply and has blocked him. I was too scared to do anything about it.

       I continued searching around the crowd until I had spotted almost all my friends, including Connor who sat a row in front of me and waved kindly. I waved back. Only then did I realize I was unsure of what his plans were for after graduation. I guess I'd just have to ask him afterwards. 

       Slowly the speeches began and I let out a long sigh as they drawled on. Our two valedictorians went up, since our school couldn't pick one. I grinned and cheered as Phil made the first speech and Bethany made the second. It was truly an incredible experience to see them up there, all proud. I'm pretty sure Dan teared up a little bit as he watched Phil. I smiled and looked back to the stage.

       Finally, just finally, they began calling names up. The list continued on for what felt like forever until finally, Phil's name was called and I knew I should be expecting mine. I took a breath, cleaned my gown up, and then stood once my name rang over the auditorium. I put on a grin and stood up, carefully strolling up to the stage to accept my degree. I made it up the second step before I tripped a little and had to laugh it off. The principal just smiled at me and shook her head, handing me the paper before turning my tassle onto the other side. I beamed at the crowd and made my way back to my seat, cautious not to trip again.


       "Troye! Troye come here!" Zoella called out, tears in her eyes, and I hurried up to her. I instantly wrapped my arms around her, picking her up a little before setting her back down, but I didn't release her from my hold.

       "Oh my god Zoe!" I exclaimed, shaking my head minisculely as I shut my eyes. "Shit, I'm going to miss you so much." I admitted and she nodded.

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