Chapter 42

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A-N: I just designed one of the future chapters and I'm so excited like asdfghjkl I want it to happen already, erg but I have to wait a tiny bit longer. I swear I'm trying to speed this up now. READ THIS PART: I'll probably have Valentine's day be the last thing in February if that's all the same with you????????

Tyler's POV:

I ran the comb through my quiff one last time, trying to make sure it was absolute perfection for Troye. I couldn't possibly be a messy and bad looking Valentine, that'd ruin the entire call. Now, I know Troye just did this to be cute, and it didn't mean much, but I was really looking forward to it. I was wearing a cute little lavender shirt with buttons over a white T-shirt and some khaki's, not that he'd see the majority of my clothes anyways.

The day after Troye asked me, I rushed to find a gift to send him. I knew it was really cheesy, but it was the only thing I could find last minute. We hadn't discussed what the terms of this Valentine's day were, but I didn't care whether he got me a present, I just wanted him to be happy with me. We had scheduled a call for when it's 9 am here and 9 pm there. Although I wasn't too pleased to have to wake up so early to look flawless for him, I could make an exception.

When I told my mom, just the day before, that I was going to be 'spending' Valentine's day with him, she swatted me on the back of the head and said we were dense idiots, then walked away. I didn't quite know how to react so I just called Colleen so I could fangirl instead.

I walked out to my kitchen, sat at the counter, and opened up my computer and Skype app. I was thanking every higher deity I could think of that I was home alone now so it'd seem like it was just me and Troye, and I could shed all inhibitions. As if on some cue, Troye's contact popped up a second later. I could feel my nerves tingling with excitement as I clicked the connect button. And then his grinning face appeared. I opened my mouth to greet him but before anything could come out, he started blasting music on his end. My eyes widened in amusement as I heard the familiar tune of Teenage Dream by Katy Perry, and as Troye started dancing ridiculously in his chair.

"YOU MAKE ME FEEL LIKE I'M LIVING A TEENAGE DREAM!" He screamed along with it. Now, I know Troye had a beautiful voice, but in this moment it was far from beautiful, since he was trying to be absolutely ludicrous. Bubbly giggles rolled off my tongue and turned into laughter at his childish behavior. "THE WAY YOU TURN ME ON!" He winked at that part and I started blushing. Damn Troye. "LETS RUN AWAY AND DON'T FUCKING LOOK BACK!" He yelled and that when I cackled.

"I don't think those are the lyrics TroyeSivan." I shot at him and he rolled his eyes while smiling, turning the music down but not off.

"Shut up I'm in a good mood." He replied, but I could hear the happiness seeping through his tone.

"So you cuss more when you're happy? I'll take note." I chuckled and his grin only widened.

"Happy Valentine's Day Tilly!" He exclaimed, holding his arms open wide as though giving me a hug from thousands of miles away.

"Happy Valentine's Day Troye-Boy!" I responded, just as cheerfully. "What do we have planned for today?" I wondered and he pretended to stroke his imaginary beard.

"I suggest we do presents, then we watch the same movie at the same time on different TV's and just see where it plays out from there?" He suggested and I nodded.

"Sounds like a plan. Did you get my present yet?" I wondered and he nodded.

"Haven't opened it yet, just like the note said. Have you gotten mine?" He asked and I raised my eyebrows.

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