Chapter 6

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Tyler's POV:

Dear You,

        Heyyyyyyyyyy...sorry, I may have had more coffee and Nutella than I am proud of. So yeah I've found all your sites, you're pretty cool! 

        And my crush is...I'm sorry I don't even know what to write. My crush has been my best friend for only a short amount of time. Started out as a total dork but now is cool I guess lol. Bright green eyes that I could get lost in if I just let myself go, so incredibly sweet, and I cannot even explain the goodlooks. I have never seen anyone so...gorgeous. 

        I'm going to start rambling if I don't get stopped. Ugh sorry for my lovesick words. Oh, and by the way, Zoe really does find Alfie cute, we just is so focused on following the path she already created in life that she's to scared to take a risk and step off the path a little. If Alfie is actually interested in her, I think he really has to meet her. In person. I honestly don't see the point of them trying though, with the distance being so great. I swear I'm not usually this much of a pessimist, it's just the honest truth.

        And my opinion on these letters? I don't first I thought they were really stupid's almost like this is kind of a safe place for me to talk to someone without it being possible to ruin anything in my future. The whole project is unnecessary though if I do say so myself.

        Hey also...I hope you don't mind me asking, but I noticed something in your last letter. Well, Zoe noticed it when she stole it from me and I couldn't help but ask...are you gay? Or bi or pan or something? I mean, obviously nothing's different if you're gay or straight, but I'd at least like to know what pronouns to call your future romantic interests ;). Okay, this was a weird letter.

        Oh! I forgot to mention! It was fun FaceTiming you! Putting a face on a name really does make these letter's more interesting. And looks don't matter, but it's weirdly almost an accomplishment to know that my penpal know's what 'good looking' means.


Sincerely Yours,

        Troye Slayvan

        My jaw felt as thought it was about to fall off when I finished reading the letter. I thought I had gotten pretty used to all the surprise Troye could throw at me, but obviously I was mistaken. First he calls me cool, then he actually questions my sexuality, and then calls me good looking? What the hell kind of letter was that? Suddenly, I felt he paper being snatched out of my hands. I gasped and turned to my right, just to find, of all people, Alfie and Marcus with their gazes sweeping over the small paper.

       "Ugh will you stop acting like kids and just give me back the letter?!" I half yelled, conscious that we were still in the cafeteria.

        "ARE YOU GAY TYLER?!" Marcus yelled obnoxiously loud, of course already knowing the answer. 

        "Shut up." I muttered. It wasn't like I was actually mad at them, they did stuff like this all the time and I did the same back. 

        "DO YOU KNOW WHAT GOODLOOKING MEANS?" Alfie exclaimed them with mirth flickering in his eyes. "Because apparently, and correct me if I'm wrong, Troye sure thinks so." I narrowed my eyes at his teasing tone.

        "Well who wouldn't? Can I have my paper back now?" I retorted, now knowing for sure they had read over the entire letter.         

        "Aw I'm sorry 'You'," Marcus apologized, emphasizing on the word You in a lovey-dovey fashion. "I didn't realize your love was unrequited." He started to pout and bat his eyelashes like a little child. I just sighed and rolled my eyes.

        "You guys are so immature. You're acting like he doesn't like me because I have cooties. He doesn't like me because HE LIVES IN AUSTRALIA." I reminded them.

        "So?" Alfie shrugged. "Zoe lives in Australia." He mentioned and I grit my teeth nervously.

        "Did you read the entire letter, Alfs?" I questioned. He furrowed his eyebrows and snatched the letter from Marcus' hands, deciding to actually read the ENTIRE thing this time.

        "But you don't deny your love is unrequited? You don't deny there's love?" Marcus continued on without him. 

        "There. Is. No. Love." I seethed. "Now you only have two options. You will back the fuck out of this cafeteria or just back the fuck out of this conversation. Do anything else, and I will stab you with me fork!" I hissed. Marcus rolled his eyes and took the letter from Alfie, handing it back to me unwillingly.

        "What does he mean there's no point in trying?" Alfie asked, disappointment and almost sadness seeping into his voice. I clasped a hand onto his shoulder and shook my head somberly.

        "Unless you want to fly out to Australia, I don't think she plans on changing her life to come here for a guy she hasn't met in person yet." I explained. He stared at me, blank and blinking for a moment, probably processing everything I just said. He let out a gruff sigh and pouted, turning to face the table. He stirred the straw around in his water glass and I couldn't help but feel a little pity. The first girl he's genuinely liked in ages and its starcrossed. "Hey don't worry about it. I'm sure there's another girl here"--

        "What if I do fly out to Australia?" He asked, his head perking up to me quickly. My eyebrows raised on their own accord, and my lips parted.

        "I uh I mean I guess but uh um..." I was a stuttering mess. "But...doesn't it seem a little risky? For all we know, Zoe has a boyfriend she's not mentioned, or shes lesbian, or"--

        "You could come to!" He exclaimed some more.

        "Alfie I don't have money"--

        "You could meet Troye!" He interrupted. "Go on a few dates with him!" He seemed so eager, his eyes so bright, I almost felt bad for letting him down. I couldn't help but let out a small laugh though.

        "Alfie! Troye's not gay!" I replied.

     "I'm not so sure about that..." Marcus mumbled and I furrowed my brows, staring at him suspisciously.

        "What?" I asked incredulously.

        "Well...he never used pronouns in his letter. In fact, it seems like he tried desparately to avoid them." He analyzed and I scoffed.

        "Guys, I follow his Tumblr! Of all places, his Tumblr! He is in fact straight. I've never seen a gay man go on Tumblr and be heterosexual." I reminded and they nodded along.

        "I guess. Well, at least find out the name of his crush and we'll see from there, right?" Marcus seemed hopeful, as though Troye being a smidge of non-hetero would end world hunger.

        "Whatever. I'm going to ask him for his number anyways. These letters are becoming too much of a hassle. I hate waiting days just to get replies to my questions." I admitted and Alfie voiced his agreement.

        "I love Skyping Zoella. It makes it seem like we aren't so far away." He said. I knew the moment was serious, and my reaction was inapppropriate, but a bubbly giggle burst past my lips."What? It's not funny!" He argued. Upon hearing that, my giggle turned into a cackle, and Marcus actually joined along in my laughing fit.

        "You're--so--sappy!" I shouted with breaths in between. He pouted some more and looked down to the table.

        "If I had a reaction like yours every time you were this Sappy to Troye, I'm pretty sure my lungs would explode." He muttered, causing me to instantly shut up and punch him in the arm.        

        "Bitch." I mumbled and raked my hands through my hair. Troye was seriously changing things.


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