Author's Note--The End

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Ahhh! I'm literally so emotional right now since this story is completed. Honestly I want to thank ALL of you because I probably would have stopped this story at Chapter 5 I didn't have your motivation.

Most of all, however, I'd really like to thank Cyan (moaningtroyler) because their comments always made me so insanely happy and made me feel as though I was doing something good despite this just being a fanfiction. Love you!

I'm really happy with how this story ended and I hope you are too.

I've really become close with the Tyler and Troye in this story and a lot of chapters were actually just me filtering my thoughts based on how I feel in the real world so I guess you could kind of say this story saved me.

I hope you continue to read my stories, I hope people continue to read this aaaand...yeah! Just thank you all so much, seriously I love you, stay strong xx

--Carly Belle

Letters To You (A Troyler AU)Where stories live. Discover now