Chapter 50

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This lovely kiss fan art is once again drawn by @troylercactus you're just so awesome, thank you:)

GUYS!!!!! Before you get mad at me, I want you to know that Troyler will get together in this trip. Don't get your panties all tied up or whatever that saying is

LAST THING: So I meant to update earlier but I misplaced my computer #oops #hi

Tyler's POV:

I took a deep breath as my body slowly came to life again after sleeping for so long. Instantly warmth seemed to spread throughout my chest as I remembered the events that occurred yesterday. A huge smiled etched onto my features, and I turned around to wake Troye up. But he wasn't there. I frowned but then shrugged to myself. It wasn't the first morning Troye has gotten up on his own because I'm too much of a lazy ass.

I quickly slid out of bed and put on a shirt before walking out to the small kitchen where everyone was sitting again, like the other day. They didn't stop talking when I walked in, which I was thankful for because I didn't want the attention from all of them. Only one. I looked up to find Troye sitting on the counter, watching Zoe and Alfie carelessly bicker over the last bite of a pancake. After a few seconds, his eyes met mine, he gave me a quick soft smile, and then he looked back to them.

Suddenly I felt very bashful, unaware of what our boundaries were. Was I allowed to just walk up and kiss him? I wanted to.

"What do you guys want to do today?" Phil asked and we all looked up to him.

"I wouldn't mind going to that beach that you two went last night." Zoe replied, glancing between me and Troye.

"It'll be fun to go again." I said, grinning at Troye, but he wasn't looking at me.

"Actually um..." Troye mumbled as he raked his hand through his floppy hair. "I have something to do today." I furrowed my eyebrows at him. What plans could he have possibly made for just himself in Brighton?

"Oh, you and Tyler?" Alfie wondered, which actually made me wonder. My hopes rose a little.

"No just me." He said quickly, almost defensively. And then my hopes came crashing down.

"Suit yourself. I'm going to the beach." Zoe chirped and I pulled my gaze away from Troye, instead looking to the ground. I wasn't really pleased with having to spend a day away from Troye when we had so few together. I really had to stop being clingy though, it was just one day.

"I guess I'll come with you." I muttered and then looked back to Troye. He hopped down from the counter and began to walk to the couches.

"Have fun guys, and take pictures." He said, brushing past me while the others all went into their bedrooms.

"Troye?" I called out quickly, and he turned around to face me. I didn't know what to say then, I felt like a spotlight was shining down on me. I know what I wanted to say, I wanted to ask where we stood, but how do you just ask that casually? How do you ask someone for a kiss without sounding pathetic? "Do you think...I mean can..." I stammered, averting my eyes from him. He smiled softly and rolled his eyes, walking closer to me before putting his hands on either side of my face. He leaned forward and pressed his lips firmly against mine and I sighed at the lovely feeling of being able to kiss him again. He kept the kiss short, moving away after just a couple of seconds.

"You don't have to be scared to kiss me anymore." He whispered and I smiled sheepishly. I guess he was right. He started walking back to the couches and I crossed my arms.

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