Chapter 68

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Troye's POV:

       I let out a sigh as I shifted closer to Tyler, wrapping my arm tighter around him. It was only about my third day on the trip, but I was already as lazy as could be. In fact, it was probably one in the afternoon and I was still lying in bed with Tyler, my head on his chest and my arm around his waist.

       I have to admit, yesterday (the second day of the trip) was kind of awkward. It was like suddenly we remembered how everything was before the trip, how tense everything was, and it came crashing down on us. We never spoke long to each other, our cuddling was resorted to just holding hands, and Tyler went to bed early. Today was starting to feel better though. Subconsciously in my sleep I moved over and basically wrapped myself around Tyler, like I was now, and he was just playing lightly with my hair. 

       I moved my hand lazily up and down his chest, randomly pressing a kiss to his side, which happened to be shirtless.

       "Babe my mom's gonna kill me if we don't get up soon." He mumbled and I just hummed, acknowledging that I heard him but not really doing anything about it.  "Babe." He mumbled again but I didn't move. "We have to get up."

       "I don't want to. I just want to stay here with you." I whispered and he fell silent.

       "Okay then let me get my computer. We should at least look at apartments while we're sitting here." He suggested and I sighed but nodded. I sat up slightly so he could reached over for his computer and then he propped the pillow up behind us. We both sat with our backs against the head board and I placed my hand on his chest while he searched up the realtor site.

       "Show me the apartment we love." I whispered and he nodded, pulling up a familiar page before my eyes landed on the picture of the apartment. On instinct, a smile stretched out onto my features. "Ughhh..." I groaned, burying my face in my hands. "It's so perfect." I mumbled and Tyler agreed.

       "So...what do you think?" Tyler questioned, turning slightly to look at me. "Should we contact the realtor? Tell him we can fly down to check out the apartment?" I bit my lip, glancing back to the apartment. I could imagine this being the first big step for our future, I could imagine starting out there. My grin only seemed to grow as thoughts of our future took over my mind.

       "Definitely." I replied and he smiled, chuckling eagerly.

       "Okay!" He clapped his hands together giddily. He started to pull up his email and I trailed kisses on his jaw. He giggled and pushed me away lightly so he could finish writing the email. After I proof-read it and approved it, he clicked send. Immediately, I shut the computer and pulled it off his lap, hitching a leg over his hips so I could look at him directly. I wrapped my arms around his neck and shook my head, giggling uncontrollably.

       "We're actually doing this." I muttered in disbelief and he nodded with a smile, the corners of his eyes crinkling. We both started laughing lightly and I moved forward to press my lips onto his. We couldn't hold it for long though because we both started laughing again. I rested my forehead on his chest and he wrapped his arms around my waist. His eyes flicked over my face before landing on my own eyes again.

       "I love you so fucking much, TroyeSivan." He whispered and I nodded, feeling my mouth tug into a smile again as I leaned forward, brushing my lips against his.

       "I love you too." I whispered, capturing his bottom lip between my lips. He let out a sigh and I pressed a few more loving kisses before sitting up again. "I'm really Goddamn excited for our future together, Tyler." I admitted and he trailed his arms up and down my bare back.

        "I know, me too. Me too." He muttered. I bit my lip and blushed as something entered my mind.

       "Have...have you ever thought about that?" I asked and he furrowed his eyebrows. "I mean, our future? Like...marriage and kids and stuff?" I wondered abashedly, bringing my hands down to his chest and tracing his muscles, not able to meet his eyes. He waited a few seconds to reply. 

       "Yes..." Tyler mumbled, also sounding kind of bashful. I could feel myself smile and glanced up to him again.

       "Like what?" I asked and he let out a breath.

       "I don't the proposal's going to go and what our wedding will like..." His voice was getting quieter with each word. I scooted up on his lap so I was closer to him and continued my hands movement's on my chest to calm him down.

       "Who do you think is going to propose to who?" I asked in a hushed tone and he gave me a shy smile.

       "You probably..." He mumbled and then grinned. "I always think of the most romantic situations but then I imagine our reality. I realized we'll probably just be shouting at each other and you'll randomly yell at me to marry you." He laughed and I rolled my eyes.

       "Come on! I'll be cuter than that." I said with a smile. "I'll shout and chuck a box of chocolates at your face." 

       "Don't I even get a ring?" He whined and I sighed.

       "Well obviously. It'll be hidden in one of the chocolates." I replied and he narrowed his eyes.

       "Sounds like a murder plot to make me choke and die." He argued and I groaned loudly.

       "Well you weren't supposed to find out!" He shouted and he chuckled, swatting at my chest. 

       "You're such a dick." He giggled and I shrugged.

       "You like me though." I reminded him and he slowly nodded his head.

       "I do." I smiled again and leaned down, pressing my lips to his softly. He kissed me back, faster than I wanted but I didn't argue. 

       "Mm." I mumbled against his lips but he didn't let me speak, only kissed me faster. I nearly started laughing before we both got cut off.

       "Tyler! I swear to God if you're sitting in there having sex all day I WILL walk in and send a picture to Shaun!" Jackie yelled and I threw my head back in laughter. 

       "Mom!" Tyler groaned. I continued to laugh and just kissed his cheek before turning slightly to face the door.

       "Don't worry Jackie we were just finishing up!" I yelled back and Tyler yelped, slapping the back of my head.

A-N: Well this was random. Lol 

LAST MINUTE THING: I'm gonna upload the Q&A soon but if you have any last minute questions about this fic, ask them now.

PS. Chapter 70 and 74

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