Chapter 8

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Tyler's POV:

Dear Dork From The North East,

        Oh...sorry for not answering your last question correctly. 

        My opinions on you: You're weird and sarcastic son of a bitch. I can't deny though that you aren't really fun and one of the most considerate people I've ever met though. You have great style too. Like, I'm kind of jealous how well you manage to wear polk-a-dots. AND YOU CAN DYE YOUR HAIR LIKE OH SHIT. Anyways, basically, I think you're a pretty cool guy and I'm glad I got assigned to you. 

        What are your opinions on me?

Sincerely Yours,

        Slaye Mellet (Well that didn't work out one bit. I guess I just don't slay as well as you do)

        I rolled my eyes at his last sarcastic comment before I zipped my back pack up and turned back to Alfie. 

        "How far is this park?" I whined. "We've been walking for like fifteen minutes." Alfie abruptly stopped walking and his jaw dropped.

        "FIFTEEN MINUTES?" He yelled. "OH SHIT IF WE WALK A MINUTE MORE I THINK WE'LL JUST DIE OF BOREDOM WON'T WE? Geez Tyler." He mumbled and continued walking. I raised both my eyebrows at him.

        "What the hell happened to you?" I asked in shock.

        "I...nothing." He continued to grumble, his eyes slightly squinted. "It's just...I want to see Zoe!" He said in a whiney brat voice. "I really really really do! I even told her that and she said there's no way at all she'd be able to come down to America alone just to visit some guy!" I rolled my eyes at him.

        "Alfie, why is Zoe so important? She seems sweet but don't you think you should be looking for someone who...oh I don't know...doesn't live across the world?!" I exclaimed and he punched my arm swiftly. 

        "Zoe's just different from any girl here! She...she doesn't care that I'm not popular, and she doesn't care that I'm not the hottest guy. She just likes me because I'm nice to her! Do you know how hard it is to find someone like that? To find someone who just likes you because you listen enough to them?" By now he's stopped walking again, and faced me as he announced his speech. "It breaks my heart knowing that Zoella is insecure and that she gets anxiety and that she can't even find someone who will just listen to her! It breaks my heart that she just has to rely on a penpal, but if it's my job to make her feel beautiful and worth it, then I'm going to do my job! And if I have to fly to Australia just to kiss her and make her feel beautiful, then damn it I'm going to!" He yelled. "And...she...she makes me feel worth it too. So I don't give a single fuck that she doesn't live in Michigan, Tyler. She could be my next door neighbor, or she could live in Jamaica for all I care, I just want her to know how much she truly means to me and how great she really is. Because she is...she is so fricking great." He shook his head a little. "I am so done with everyone thinking I'm ridiculous just because I have feelings for Zoe. If ANYONE had feelings for someone as strong as my feelings for her, they'd understand." I was taken aback by his sudden outburst, and my mind was just a bundle of thoughts. I opened my mouth and then closed it, unsure of what to say.

        "Okay." I replied quietly. I settled my hand onto his shoulder. "We'll get her to meet you. Don't worry." He let out a quiet sigh and we continued walking. "M-Maybe we can get a group of them to come visit. You know...Zoe, Troye, Connor, and some others?" I suggested and he gave me a small smile.        

        "Really?" He asked and I nodded.

        "Yeah. We'll see. As for now, let's hurry a bit. Marcus, Hannah, and Grace are waiting." I reminded him.

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