Chapter 63

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A-N: I updated three times today so make sure you read chapter 61 and 62 before this!

Tyler's POV:

       You remember when you were a kid, or even now, and your parents say you're going on a trip or to the amusement park, but then just that day it starts raining and you have to cancel it? Do you remember that feeling of complete disappointment and sadness and you just don't know what to do for the rest of the day because nothing can seem to compare to what you had planned? 

       Yeah, well that's how I felt. 

       I knew something was off, I'm not a complete idiot. Troye was a lot quieter than he used to be, and he kept getting distracted. I can't explain how many times I asked Troye if he was listening and found out he was completely daydreaming. Something was weird.

       That's why when he only replied to my Skype request with 'later' I didn't question him. I was too afraid for what would happen. I spent the entire day minding my own business, just letting myself be me and do what I want. I went to bed after a little while and just now woke up. Surely this was 'later' enough. Before I could click onto Skype however, my phone buzzed. I picked it up and my eyes fell on my Instagram notification. 

       'Troye Sivan was tagged in a photo'.

       I almost completely forgot I had my notifications for him set on. I had to admit though, I was intrigued. He seemed so tired lately, what could he have been doing all day? I tapped on the notification and hurriedly unlocked my phone before the photo brightened my screen. It was Troye and some guy who I assumed was Cameron Dallas, since that was his username. I furrowed my eyebrows and ran my eyes over the caption, and then again, and then again.

       'Touring Western Australia Academy of Performing Arts and ran into this guy! Let's hope for the best for the both of us with this school!'

       I could feel my heart drop and my chest ache at the letters on the screen. I must have been reading it wrong or something, Troye wasn't touring universities. He would have told me, wouldn't he? I could feel my heart hammering in my chest as I put my phone down, disappointment seeping through my veins. Without a second thought, I sat down in my chair at my desk and clicked on Troye's Skype username, putting my chin in my hand, avoiding look directly at the camera. It took a couple of seconds, but finally the call connected.

       "Um hey Tyler!" Troye greeted, sounding cheerful but...nervous? I didn't reply. I heard him sigh but I still refused to look up. "Ty, listen...I know you know about the univer"--

       "Why didn't you tell me?" I asked weakly, barely audible. 

       "W-What?" Troye stuttered and I could feel my eyes burning.

       "Why didn't you tell me you were looking at universities?" My voice was louder this time, but it still wavered slightly. I looked up at him when he didn't say anything. His mouth was opening and closing a few times as he looked away.

       "I'm...I'm not." I scoffed at his words. "I swear I'm not! It was just this one"--

       "Well then why didn't you tell me about it?" I repeated, chuckling even though it wasn't funny, and you could hear the hurt in my tone. 

       "I...I didn't want to upset you because I know how excited you are about Los Angeles." He bit his lip nervously and I shook my head.

       "Well now you're only making me scared to be excited for LA." I admitted in a strained voice.

       "You have nothing to be scared about."

       "Did you like the college?" I wondered. His silence answered the question for me. "Damn it Troye..." I muttered and turned away a little, putting my face in my hands. 

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